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魚油(fish oil)的証據醫學

魚油(fish oil)的証據醫學

魏正宗 醫師

魚油(fish oil),正式的名稱是omega-3多元不飽和脂肪酸(n-3 PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acid),包括3種主要成份:次亞麻油酸(gamma linolenic acid;GLA), eicosapentaenoic acid(EPA)及 docosahexaenoic acid(DHA)。人體沒有辦法自行合成這些多元不飽和脂肪酸,必須完全由食物中獲得。富含omega-3多元不飽合脂肪酸的魚油,對降低三酸甘油脂的好處,已經獲得充分的証實。



· 減少血中的三酸甘油脂(中性脂肪)

· 減少類風濕性關節炎的發炎程度

· 抑制血栓形成,預防動脈硬化、心臟病


· 腦部功能

· 高血壓

· 經痛

· 紅斑性狼瘡

· 慢性腎小球腎炎

· 骨質疏鬆症

· 憂鬱症

· 心律不整


1 關節炎患者

2. 動脈硬化患者

3. 三酸甘油脂過高者

4. 中老年人

5. 孕婦

6. 幼兒

7. 少吃深海魚者



1. Holub, Bruce J.. Clinical nutrition: 4. Omega-3 fatty acids in cardiovascular care. CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal. 166(5):608-615, March 5, 2002.

2. A. Montori, V. Dinneen, S. Clar, C. Fish oil in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Cochrane Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders Group Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Issue 2, 2002.

3. Centre for Reviews and Dissemination Reviewers. Validation of a meta-analysis: the effects of fish oil in rheumatoid arthritis. Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness. Issue 2, June 2002.

4. Krauss RM, Eckel RH, Howard B, Appel, LJ, Daniels SR, Deckelbaum RJ, et al. AHA Dietary Guidelines: revision 2000: a statement for healthcare professionals from the Nutrition Committee of the American Heart Association. Circulation 2000; 102(18): 2284-99.

5. Radack K et al. The effects of low doses of n-3 fatty acid supplementation on blood pressure in hypertensive subjects. A randomized controlled trial. Archives of Internal Medicine. 151(6): 1173-80, 1991