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姐姐從學校拿回來她的幾篇作文 媽咪照抄下來
雖然有拼音文法的錯誤 但真的很喜歡她的文章

(1) 很用心的寫了六張紙 還每張都有圖畫喲
One day the sun woke up very happy so it shined its bright light in my window. And so I woke up and went to school. When I was there, something surprised me. Mrs. Tom said "Today, class, we are going to work at a garden." so we lined up at the door to go. Me and my classmates and my teacher were in school garden now by the playground. Because today we are going to work very hard here!! Remember? We got shuvols and rakes and trash cans ready for our big garden adventure and then Mrs. Tom handed out mitens for us to wear while we work. When we were done putting them on, we started working. There was a lot of work. Like, the garden weeks need to be pulled and other work. When all he work were done. We took off our mitens and put it back in the mitten box. And them we went back to our room. And guess what (I) am proud to help.

(2) 一張紙就寫完了 超級敷衍的
I love vanilla ice cream exspecally in the summer. I love vinilla because it tastes like white milk. It astes beter than not cooked carots.

(3) 寫了三張 是正常的一年級小朋友作文的長度
One day it was Holloween and so a chiled named Serena went trick or treating with her mom and so let me start the story now. One day a girl named Serena was going to trick or treating so quikley we put on oour costumes and so of we go and we bravely steped out side for Holloween. When I was back there was a lot of candy in sight.