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我的大S - Serena

1. Serena的作文 - HOW TO MAKE...
姊姊超不認真的作文 但讓媽咪笑翻了
How to make friends. Fist, be nice to the person and ask "Do you want to be my friend?" If she/he say "Okay" you can play with her/him. If she/he is not nice, walk away. Second, find someone else and do the same thing. But, if she is very nice, you can be her BEST friend.

2. Serena的成績單 - 5++++++++
媽咪好驕傲 姊姊應該是班上最優的學生了 連老師都說
It is a delight to have Serena in my class. Her love of learning is contagious!!! She is working above grade level in all areas of the curriculum. She helps to push the entire class to a different level. She seems to inhale books! She is writing about "small moments" in her life using details, adjectives, dialogue and "show not tell" strategies. In math, her number sense is very strong. She is an amazing student academically and socially!! She is a very compassionate and kind girl and gets along well with her classmates.

3. Serena的壞習慣 - 插嘴
喜歡聽大人說話的結果就是也愛插嘴 講了好多次 還是有這個壞毛病

4. Serena的最愛 - 馬
不知道從什麼時候開始 姊姊就愛上了馬
會看專門照顧馬的書 借馬的電影
買馬的玩具 話馬的圖 連穿衣服都說要有馬的圖案
她念念不忘的就是媽咪答應過她 等她滿八歲時會帶她去騎真正的馬

5. Serena最討厭的菜 - 蔥
雖然媽咪都盡量先幫她挑掉 但若是有她還是會挑個半天不肯乖乖吃飯
爸爸都說媽咪寵壞了她 但媽咪卻覺得
如果只是蔥而已 媽咪願意妥協 尊重她的意願