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Sean and Sophie mom

nothing about Sean

Just last weekend finally I finished reading a novel-middlesex. It is quite an intriguing story about a Greek immigrant family, the story covering their 3 generations. The immigrant family settled in Detroit. So this is a story about Detroit, too. But this is not simply an immigrant story typified with struggle and successful fruits. It is also about a top secret (an inner marriage between brother and sister) and the following nobody-aware-of secret (the gene mutation happend on the grand-daughter(actually is "he") caused by probably the inner marriage). This is a complicated family story intertwined with the real historical events happened in the 80 years span.

這篇小說的主角是個雙性人, 故事中也有很大部份在描述他(她)對自己性向的摸索和徬惶, 以及他(她)在找尋自己的過程中遇到的人們, 作者當然是個 open minded 的人(否則他就不會寫這本小說了), 所以我們在看這本小說時照著作者的觀點思路一路看來也會對雙性人/ 同性戀/ 變性者有更多加上同理心的了解

有時候想想, 父母對自己的兒女的愛 (無論孩子如何走向艱辛的路途) 就是了解和接受他們, 作者在描繪主角父母對孩子的態度的部份是很讓人動容的 !!!

Here is a comment article I found from a taiwanese website.