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Sean and Sophie mom


就又跑去逛街 shopping
Sean 隨身帶著一本小冊子
很一本正經的說他要寫下我們當天的 field trip
但是也對我們 shopping 的行為有些害羞


Today we go to IKea 09/27/2008

In Ikea, we Buy a little bit of stuff.

Me and Sophie go to the Ballroom. Me and Sophie have a lot of stuff.

Me and Sophie was eating in IKea. Sophie eat it all.

We was done shoping at IKea.

I was writing writing and we go to another shop.

We was driving to the other mall.

We was there. We go in side. there is a lot of place. We go in side a market.

Mommy and Daddy was buying shoes. I was siting with Sophie.

daddy and mommy was buying shoes.

mommy buy No shoes.

Daddy buy No shoes.

Daddy take us to a Market.

Me Sophie and mommy sit down.

Daddy go to look for stuff to buy.