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Sean and Sophie mom

Sophie's writing

Sophie 是個勇於表現自己的孩子
她也會嘗試去寫她不是很確定該怎麼 spelling 的字
這是一個 good start

她的一個簡單的 writing sample 如下 :

It was a dark spring night. Me and my friend were playing ping pong in the basement. She wasn't really good but we had a lot of fun.

My dad told my friend to go up stairs. She was so excited.

She yelled very loud. Then I thought it was strange so I went up stairs.

I then saw two small red birds flying in the house. They were very cute.

My dad tried to make the birds get out. It was hard.

He touched the bird. The birds flew out the door. I wish I could see the birds in my house again.