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Sean and Sophie mom

Sean 的演講稿



各位評審老師同學大家好!我是8年級的楊長俊。我今天將要演講的題目是e世代的煩惱。在二十一世紀, 人們習慣用電子產品與朋友聯絡, 娛樂,還有看新聞,因為非常方便。這些電子設備對人們的影響愈來愈大。我常常看到身邊很多人沉迷於自己的小銀幕,無法自拔,人們的行為也開始轉變。


我也看到一些同學在上課時用學校發的個人電腦在玩遊戲。他們愛玩又怕被發現, 一邊玩一邊擔心被老師看到, 我看到當他們被老師發現時那一臉迷茫的神情, 似乎完全不知道老師上課的內容, 而這樣子, 他們要如何學到老師教的東西呢。

還有, 我有時候一玩遊戲時我很難停下來。當我的爸爸媽媽告訴我停下來別打了,我常常是回答說,我快要打完了,很快就停了。但事實上我已經玩了一段很長的時間。我也知道我這麼玩是會干擾到我做功課和其他活動的時間, 可是我就是停不下來。這讓我很煩惱.

E 世代的我們擁有很多電子設備, 會給我們帶來一些煩惱, 但我們也可以把這些轉成正面的力量, 我們可以利用網路和住在很遠的親戚朋友連絡, 而適度的玩遊戲可以幫助我放鬆, 讓我們善用這些新科技, 停止沉迷和煩惱, 往更正面的方向前進.



Hello! This is Sean Yang from the 8th Grade. The topic I will be discussing today will be about the problems and worries of electronic devices. In the twentieth century, technology has been improved over time. But the impact electronics have on people has increased as well. It is for entertainment reasons mostly. And because of this entertainment, people get addicted to their small screens, try to find excuses, and their behavior starts to turn worse.

People of all ages use electronics, such as their smart phones and tablets. These things can get addicting, which is bad for them as well as annoying for others. For example, a person I know goes online to surf the internet. And usually he/her is attentive, but whenever he/her is on his/her phone, he/her ignores whatever I say. Like if I ask him/her a question, he/her will just say great, yeah, good, and nod his/her head. So being addicted to the new technology can have a negative impact on the person, causing them to block out everything in the outside world sometimes. In this case, I am quite worried that that person has become too addicted. Also, I am as addicted to electronics as the next person. I play games from time to time, but when I do, it is hard for me to stop. Like when one of my parents tells me to stop playing, I would say that I am almost done and will stop soon. But in reality I will just play for a longer period of time. This is a problem of mine that might one day interfere with doing my homework and other activities. Also, some of my classmates play games in class with their chrome books. If the teacher calls on them, they would immediately close their tab but look confused. They honestly didn’t pay attention and probably wouldn’t good grades. This shows that their main priority is not to get caught, which seems like they don’t care if they were doing something wrong. Also, when these people are stopped from playing a game, they seem to end up cranky. These are the three main points I wanted to discuss today about the new generation’s negative impact from electronics. Thank you for listening.