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Mommy Luisa

Doctor said~~~~

Mommy''s back and left leg are pain~~~~
But, Katy is sick, too.
She went to see her doctor this morning.
She was very happy to see her doctor, again~~~
She played with her, talk to her.....
The doctor said, she is a big girl now.
The doctor said, her length is very nice, 69cm.
The doctor said, her weight is pretty, 8.10kg.
The doctor said, her head circumference is good, 43.5cm.
The doctor said, her teeth come out soon.
The doctor said, mommy needs taking good care of self.
The doctor said, Katy needs to listen to 88 and mommy.

What do you think?
We hope Katy listens to 88 and mommy very well, 2.