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Mommy Luisa

Holy Cross Lutheran Church - Youth Ministries

Meeting and Activity Reminder... Faith Friends

Sunday, October 14th at 10:30 a.m.
Right after Sunday School and the 9:00 am Worship Service
(Preschool through 4th grade)

Faith Friends Welcome Meeting

Our youth group for preschool through 4th grade will be having their first meeting of the year downstairs in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, October 14th, right after Sunday School and the 9:00 am Worship Service are over. We will play games, have some snacks and get to know each other better! "Come and play the Faith Friends way!"

You do not have to be a "member" of Holy Cross to join Faith Friends and parents are always welcome to stay. Jenn Hecker and Lauren Rogers are our Faith Friends leaders. Come join the fun!

Parents: Donations of snacks - pretzels, cookies, seasonal candy and cupcakes, etc. - and juice are always welcome. (Please no peanut, peanut butter or nut products.)

Hope to see you there!
Jenn and Lauren