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Angela & Samuel 的媽咪


I had a ready bad dream last night. I dreamt of Angela was taken advantage of by someone in the park… she was taken home by one of our family friends and she couldn't stop crying. She looked terribly hurt… I saw blood & dirt on her clothes; I was crying too… then I woke up with tears in my eyes and couldn't get over that dream for quite some time. I decided to go to her room and give her a big hug. I stayed there for a while and touched her, kissed her, cuddled her… just wanted to make sure that she's all right and unharmed…

Then I went back to bed. Needless to say, couldn't get back to sleep. I was tossing about all night from 3:00am, and just about when I started to get some sleep, Samuel woke up…

I hope this "nightmare effect" stops NOW so that I can get back to my normal life!!