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Angela & Samuel 的媽咪

Japanese Festival 日本祭

As we were finding a parking space in Box Hill, we realised that the yearly Japanese Festival was on today!! We quickly had lunch at The Booth (it was yummy!!) and both kids had their haircut, we headed to the fun event!

Angela LOVED it!! She wanted to see all the stage performance and was fascinated by all the cute "stuff" in display. We bought her a Kimono in which she looks like a Japanese doll!!!

本來只打算到Box Hill的路邊攤吃午餐,再帶小朋友去剪頭髪,沒想到到了Box Hill City Council後才發現今天是年度的日本祭!! 會場外有賣日本食物,會場內有現場表演及其他的展覽。今天最開心的應該是Angela了!! 從來不知道她那麼“哈日”。看到了日本和服,她很害羞的說想買?!我就讓她試穿,她穿了好高興,但卻又非常害差,要幫她照個相郤一直躲,不過後來慢慢的好了,所以我們拍了一系列的日本娃娃照(剛好頭髮剛set好!!)回家路上她說想到舅媽家,後來問了才知道她想讓舅媽看她的新衣服…!! 穿著這套和服,她一直轉來轉去跳舞,跑來跑去說她的長長袖子像翅膀,她真的好開心!!!
