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GIML Mastership Certification in Early Childhood Music, Level 1

Dear Amanda,

Thank you for your inquiry regarding the GIML Early Childhood Level 1
Mastership Certification to be held in Bryn Mawr, PA July 28-August 8,
2008. We have lined up an outstanding faculty and are looking forward
to an outstanding workshop.

I have included below the parts of our brochure which are complete at
this point. As soon as final details are determined, I will email you
a complete brochure and registration form.

The Gordon Institute for Music Learning
Summer 2008 Workshop Series in Pennsylvania
Sponsored by The Gordon Institute for Music Learning, Bryn Mawr
Presbyterian Church, and Temple University

GIML Mastership Certification
July 28-August 8, 2008
Level 1 Early Childhood Music
Level 2 Early Childhood Music
Level 1 Elementary General Music
One-week Instrumental Introductory Course, July 28-August 1, 2008
Beth M. Bolton, Ph.D., Temple University, early childhood music, level 2.
Suzanne Burton, Ph.D., University of Delaware, theory.
Alison M. Reynolds, Ph.D., Temple University, theory.
Wendy H. Valerio, Ph.D., University of South Carolina, early childhood
music, level 1
Jill Reese, doctoral candidate, Temple University, elementary general
music, level 1.
Michael E. Martin, School District of Haverford Township, instrumental
Workshop Director: Michael E. Martin (610-527-6138, e mail
[email protected]) Host: Sandy Martin
Location: Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church, 625 Montgomery Avenue, Bryn
Mawr, Pennsylvania

What is Mastership?
A mastership program differs from a workshop. Students who enroll in
a mastership program have an active role. They are responsible for
learning the material offered, for teaching with a high degree of
competence, and for demonstrating their understanding of the method by
writing lesson plans.

Who Should Attend a Mastership Course?
Early childhood, elementary, middle school and high school music
teachers, musicians, professional performers, and music education
students who are interested in furthering their understanding of
audiation and enhancing their teaching through an audiation approach
are eligible to participate in Mastership. The framework for all
classes in the certification course will be provided by music learning
theory, developed by Edwin E. Gordon. Unique practical applications
of the theory and its use in early childhood, elementary general, and
instrumental music will be presented by faculty who are experienced in
teaching classes based on music learning theory. Students who enroll
in Level 1 Mastership should have completed at least one music
learning theory workshop or seminar prior to enrollment. Students who
enroll in Level 2 must hold Early Childhood Level 1 Certification.
Contact Michael E. Martin, 610-527-6138 (e mail [email protected]) for
further information. All participants must be able to read and write

GIML Mastership Certification workshops may be taken for no credit
through GIML. The GIML registration fee paid by all participants is
$590.00. Cost for the One-week Instrumental Course is $390.00
Pre-register and reserve your space in the workshop by sending a check
in the amount of $100, payable to The Gordon Institute for Music
Learning, to Michael E. Martin, 355 Arden Rd., Conshohocken, PA 19428.
Pre-registration must be received no later than June 23. The balance
of $490 will be due by July 12. (All payments must be in U.S. funds
drawn on a U.S. bank.)

The workshops will also be available for 2, 3, or 5 hours of
undergraduate or graduate credit through Temple University. Separate
tuition payment (in addition to the GIML registration fee) will be
made to Temple University by those enrolling for university credit.
Temple University registration may be completed on the first day of
the workshop, July 28, 2008.

Travel Information
Fly into Philadelphia International Airport. Ground transportation by
taxi or regional rail is available from the airport into Philadelphia.
Visit www.septa.com for information and schedules for the R1 Airport
and R5 regional rail lines.

Thank you again for your inquiry. Please let me know if you have any
further questions.

Michael E. Martin, Workshop Director

In a message dated 11/17/07 6:59:02 PM, [email protected] writes:

To whom it may concern,

I'm interested in the Mastership Certification in Early Childhood
Music, Leve 1 in 2008. Would you please send me more information about
the workshop? I'd like to arrange my summer schedule earlier. Thanks.
