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哲哲~AP1 Weekly Report

Weekly Report
Class:AP1 Pluto Week:15

Teacher’s Comments
Dear parents:
The AP1 students are having a good time in class. By now they have gotten really well used to the structure we have when we do everything we do and that allows us to have more time and more fun. The class is always lively, and most students are good participants. They steadily express themselves in English and are rarely shy to express themselves.

In all subjects have we been making steady progress. The students still forget their periods and capitals from time to time, but generally they immediately understand what they have to correct and why. The writing class continues to be a great way for them to express themselves and they rarely hesitate when thinking of ideas for writing crafts.

Two times a week we have playtime downstairs in the Wonder Island, but most break times are in class. The students like to draw and I think it is a very good way for them to relax their brains in the break times. Unfortunately, I don't always have enough paper at hand for them to draw on. If your son or daughter likes to draw, please let them bring a blank notebook to school, so they can draw and keep their drawings together in one book.


Teacher Boelo

Teaching Department

Pluto 的孩子總是活力十足、快樂又自信,尤其令人欣慰的是,他們能很自然而然的、很穩健的以英語表達自己的想法,很少會因為害羞而不開口喔!也因此孩子們的學習一直都在穩定進步中,雖然他們在寫句子時,有時還是會漏調句尾的句點或忘了句首地第一個字母要大寫等小錯誤,但只要要求他們再檢查一次,它們通常都能很快的就找到自己不小心的錯誤…這是很棒的喔!


下一週又有Biweekly Test了,考試範圍是W14及W15,所以除了認真完成本週功課外,一定要記得再複習上週功課,這可是很重要的喔!希望孩子們下週週考能有好成績…。


Grammar: Unit 13 Imperative /Up-Down
Phonics : Short Vowel u
Spelling : Review p.42, 43, 49
Math: Review Addition
Reading: Stories of Ponies p.23-27
Writing: Lesson 12 p.50-51

Hot News
本週各班學生繼續站上舞台.進行說故事及演講比賽練習. 仍然有孩子尚未完全背完稿子,下週起將陸續進行各班的班內競賽!!請利用這個週末的時間多加練習, 將故事或文章內容牢記.並注意朗誦時的聲音表情.將有加分效果!


~Have a nice weekend!~
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