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上學記錄:exposure notice

今天收到學校所發的exposure notice,是跟fifth disease有關的,通常小孩子只要出紅疹了,就不再具有感染力了,而上星期二,Kevin學校裡有學生感染到這疾病,因此衛生局跟學校還是通知家長們知道囉!

fifth disease (erythema infectiosum, human parvovirus infection)

Onset of rash occurs 4-20 days after exposure. This is a mild viral illness with a bright red rash on the face that looks like "slapped cheeks". In most cases, the person is no longer contagious after the rash appears. The lace-like rash may spread to the rest of the body and may fade and recur for 1 to 3 week or longer. Immunity follows infection. Pregnant women should consult with their medical provider. Children may return to school/child care when they can participate fully in group activities.