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妹妹:girl scout activity--Rededication & Journey 1: Water Conservation

下午童軍活動主題是:Rededication & Journey 1: Water Conservation!

先是Rededication部分,頒證書給去年參加童軍,今年又繼續的女童軍們囉!接著就開始water journey主題,一共分成五個項目,每位女童軍們都要參與這五項活動,才能拿到Badge囉!五個項目有:1. Water Usage (Drop Shape and make a post or color worksheet) 2. Water Game 3. Tye Dye Fabric (T-shirt or Pillow case or bags) 4. Terrariums (plant in the pot) 5. Understanding Water Cycle,每位女童軍們都玩得很開心,也學了不少呢!


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Water Journey Activities

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