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Eva 媽咪寫來的mail

Hi Shu- Fen

It is GREAT to hear from you!

你好吗? 如何是茉莉花和贾森? 我抱歉它是我那么长久以来给您发电子邮件。 我们是繁忙的与移动和与婴孩Mae,但是格兰特频繁地请求茉莉花和贾森。

格兰特是一个美妙的哥哥。 他保证他的姐妹是好的,每当她哭泣。 Mae也是很好执行。 她比格兰特执行作为为我是好的婴孩本周是二个月和更好休眠。

I like our new neighborhood but I miss living near you. I think that when the weather improves we will meet some people at the park near our house. I have found a few goo story-times for Grant. Do you still go to story-time in Rye? We have a guest room if you ever would like to visit. We live in Providence, RI if you want to see how far it would be for you, I think it would be a little less than 3 hours.

I hope you are well! Thank you so much for emailing me! I hope that my translations worked! Hi to Jasmine and Jason!

All the best -

哈 真是可愛的Eva媽咪