facebook pixel code


面談 - MBS

時間: 10:00am-10:30am
形式: phone
仲介: Melissa Tutor, HR for MBS
主管: Howard Hurst (110/2053)(8/2/2010 SENIOR TEST LEAD)

1. C# OO, what do you think of .NET framework?
when do you want to use Seal class, when do you want to use struct or class? Heap and Stack? Reflection? (連聽都沒聽過)

2. Globalization, psudoloc build
3. Code coverage, what was I doing after get report?
4. Algorithm - char *, with space and charactors, remove dul spaces, left 1 space only.

char *ptr_array;
bool flag;
1). Scan the array
2). when meet the first space, set to false
3). move to next char, if char, then flag is false, keep moving
4). when meet the second space, set to true
5). delete the space, keep moving
6). until the array finish to scan.