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開學這次都是Back to School Creative Writing
因為阿貝去年已經寫過這個Back to School Creative Writing
她就意興闌珊, 說: 都已經寫過一次了, 不想寫一樣的了!
結果, 誰知道
老師就是要他們寫這次比賽的題目: Back to School Creative Writing
但是阿貝寫的還算是真的Back to School 的事情

然後寫了三個小時, 就寫完了

It was the first day of school in my fifth grade and I was extremely excited and fascinated. I already found out that my teacher was super nice and caring so I couldn't wait for her to teach me in school. In addition, I also learned that all of my friends were in the same class as me. Thrilled and exhilarated to welcome the new class to begin, I arrived at school promptly after the school gate was opened. Then I zoomed to the front of my classroom as fast as a flash. To my surprise, I was not the first one to my classroom and there were already numerous classmates earlier than me. I spotted some other teachers greeting their new students right in front of their classrooms. However, something strange to me was no teacher standing outside my classroom. I asked myself, “Is it because I arrive too early?” Thus, I made myself be patient on waiting for the teacher. After five minutes or so, my teacher still did not appear.

All of a sudden, the announcement from the loudspeaker burst out broadcasting,“Beverlyn! Beverlyn! Please report to the office!” I jumped and shivered after I heard of this because it was usually a bad sign to be called to the office. I mumbled to myself, “Did I miss something at home and my mom drop it to the office for me to pick up?” or “Did I have any improper behavior?” Compared to the swift steps on the way to school this morning, my steps to the office was lengthy and heavy. Trembling in terror, I gained more and more nervous every step forward. When I trudged into the office, someone told me that my teacher left a letter sealed in an envelope for me. Sweating from my forehead, I whispered to myself, “What is that note about? Why does it need to be so confidential?” Holding that mysterious note, I opened the envelope carefully and fearfully. Inside the envelope was a letter in beautiful handwriting and it stated, “Dear Beverlyn, I have a doctor appointment this morning and I can't make it for the next thirty minutes. Hence, you will be in charge of the class and be the teacher for that half an hour. Finally, I sighed with relief that nothing bad was happening to me. When I made sure that I wasn't missing any detail, I shouted, “Wow, I am going to be a substitute teacher!”

While I returned back to our classroom, it was also the time that everybody was allowed to enter the room. I told everybody that I will be the substitute teacher for the next thirty minutes, presenting the letter from our teacher as a proof. As to what I needed to manage, I remembered that the first thing on my teacher's schedule list was to take role. Therefore, I followed this routine and called one person's name at a time. As I called to the ninth student on the list, there was no response at all. To double check, I called three times but still nobody answered. Then, I confirmed, “He is absent today?” Some commotion arose, “No! That is not possible. He just lined up in front of me. How could he be absent?” Another voice raised up, “See! His backpack is still here!” as someone pointed to a boy backpack right outside the door. “Oh! No! Does that mean he is missing?” I screamed out in shock. At that moment, some students murmured to each other to discuss what might happen to that missing student and some gasped with surprise. All at once, one quiet classroom became a wild jungle.“I do not want to have a missing student in class when I am a substitute teacher,” I quietly whispered to myself.

My first idea flew by my head was whether he went to the bathroom without telling us. Soon after, I told several boys to check different boy's bathroom in school but they all came back reporting that he was not in any stall. These response made our whole class, especially me, even more uptight as if the end of the world was approaching us. Now, I decided to ask everybody's help to look for this missing student. I led our whole class to walk around the campus, including the field and the playground, but he wasn't there. Later, we checked all fifth grade classrooms just in case he accidentally entered the wrong room but there was still no good news. Finally, we sat on the blacktop await for any good luck but he was still out of the sight. It was really bad that twenty minutes already passed by but the entire class still did not locate him. Frustrated and anxious, everyone was puzzled with a great abundance of “what if” questions. I was the most panic-stricken one among all because the teacher will return to class in ten minutes. I did not want her to see the whole class in a chaos just for her thirty-minute absence. I did not want her to have a bad impression on me either because of my poor leadership with the class.

Suddenly, we heard a continuous roaring sound from a distance behind us. We followed that sound and we spotted someone yelling behind an ice cream truck while it was passing by us. As we examined closely, it was that missing student from our class that was chasing the ice cream truck. With all of our might, our class hollered at him to return to our classroom immediately. Luckily, he listened to us, quitting his idea of buying a delicious ice cream before getting back to the classroom. Fortunately, we made it in the last two minutes and we were all sitting still in the classroom. When I finished the last name on the sheet of the roll call list, our real teacher showed up in our room. She was impressed with all of us for the good behavior during her absence. She was also enormously proud of me who did a wonderful job of handling the class in an orderly way. At that instance, all of us gave each other a wink mischievously. We all knew that what happened to this morning will be a secret kept from the teacher, maybe forever. We also acknowledged that my accomplishment was achieved by our teamwork, not only my effort. For me, it was an unforgettable and valuable experience of being a substitute teacher although it almost caused me heart attack.


就開心的跟我說: 我是第二名!


我問阿貝說: 你第二名會很失望嗎?
阿貝說: 沒差, 反正我的獎金都是被你花掉! 上次第一名$25也是被你去Amazon買東西買掉了!








第一: 勾毛線
第二: 發明一種東西
第三: 畫200頁的漫畫
