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清晨發燒的寶貝蛋, 二個臉夾紅咚咚的, 且二眼雙眼皮都出來了, 好美哦∼ 媽咪猛幫寶貝蛋拍照留念, 寶貝蛋雖然面無表情, 但仍然不忘拍照的手勢. (相片待補) 媽咪說寶貝蛋是醜小鴨變天鵝了, 阿弟舅舅也說好漂亮, Esther姨也說寶貝蛋變雙眼皮好美. 中午寶貝蛋吃了點麵線, 婆婆來叫媽咪起床, 好不容易媽咪才爬起來, 寶貝蛋已經拉了好幾次, 媽咪再去餵寶貝蛋吃藥藥, 換媽咪吃午餐, 寶貝蛋黏著婆婆的腳, 哭二聲又吐了, 這回吐在地墊上都是, 笨寶弟跑過來大眼睛一腳又踩下去, (昨天也是每次寶貝蛋吐都來踩一腳) 發燒的寶貝蛋好可憐, 下午媽咪壓寶弟睡午覺, 大姑婆打電話問醫生現在的情形, 這時寶貝蛋已經吐一次拉五次了, 而且還發燒38.5度, 寶弟體溫也偏高, 講了好久醫生才肯讓我們去急診, 媽咪說要先吃飽再出門, 免得醫院待幾小時餓壞了, 一吃飯寶貝蛋又吐了, 後來還拉好多水, 一地都是水水的. 媽咪開車帶我們去大姑婆家接姑婆, 媽咪不知想什麼都不專心, 還開過頭才彎回來. 路上都被車子叭叭叭的∼ 九點整到醫院, 醫生說寶弟的肺沒問題, 聽聲音好好的, 耳朵也沒有發炎, 媽咪和大姑婆要求照x光醫生不肯, 大姑婆問為什麼每到晚上就發燒, 醫生說是因為濾過性病毒的關係. 寶貝蛋的耳朵發炎, 醫生說是因為耳朵發炎才會引起拉肚子、吐、發燒, 給寶貝蛋測試體內的含氧量, 因為低於95所以讓寶貝蛋去照x光, 結果寶貝蛋的肺沒有問題, 醫生要寶貝蛋吃三種藥, 抗生素、退燒、止痛(說耳朵會痛), 這回在醫院算待的時間最短. 寶弟和寶貝蛋二個人真受不了, 一看到醫生來, 二個人就又哭又叫, 全急診室裡最吵的就是寶貝蛋, 一直用高聲尖叫. 寶貝蛋一直要拿外套穿, 表示要走了, 還幫寶弟拿外套要寶弟穿, 邊哭邊ㄟㄟㄟ的講一大串. 寶貝蛋回家又拉了肚子, 吃了一點麵和葡萄才刷牙去睡, 睡覺時喝白開水突然又吐了, 這回吐了一床都是, 但寶貝蛋已經累壞, 怎麼洗擦都不起床, 一直睡∼ P.S:寶貝蛋今天吐3次、拉9次



這是寶貝蛋掛急診Kevin Roma醫生看診後給的覆本單子. (超感謝Mommy Jess幫我們翻譯~) 1. 多喝水, 飲料之類以補充水份 (要喝很多) 2. 不要讓孩子玩太劇烈的遊戲, 不要跑跑跳跳, 要他多休息 3. 如果發燒或是很不舒服, 不可以買阿斯匹靈給孩子吃, 要買 Tylenol 4. 就算狀況好, 二個禮拜後需複診(耳朵發炎) 以下是針對發燒的應變方式: 1. 量肛溫最準確 2. 發燒38 度以上, 每 4~6 小時給 Tylenol, 如果寶寶不吃藥, 到藥房買 Tylenol 肛門塞劑以退燒。 肛溫 40 度在吃了 Tylenol 後一小時不見效, 再給 Children''s Motrin, 每 6~8 小時給一次 3. 給 Children''s Motrin 後一小時不見效, 就讓寶寶洗溫水澡 (水溫不要太冷或太熱) 20 分鐘, 用海棉擦拭頭胸及背, 然後再測其體溫~ 4. 體溫控制後, 可選擇 Tylenol 或 Motrin; 如果這兩種效果都不佳, 每 3~4 小時輪流使用之 5. 不要給寶寶穿太多, 不冷就好, 6. 喝很多水 7. 不可以買阿斯匹靈給孩子吃 ---兩天內情況沒有改善, 通知醫生 注意事項: 如有下列狀況, 立即回診: ---發燒至40度或連續發燒 38~ 39 度三天 ---急促呼吸 (一分鐘30 次) 或呼吸困難 ---耳朵痛, 鼻子痛, 脖子僵硬疼痛, 頭痛, 一直上吐下瀉 ---昏睡, 意識不清, 或出疹子或耳朵流出濕漉漉的異物 ---8 小時沒有尿濕尿布, 哭泣無淚, 眼睛深陷, 嘴巴乾燥 如果連拉三天要回去看醫生 MIDDLE EAR INFECTION-CHILDREN Your child has a middle ear infection. The space behind the eardrum is called the "Middle Ear" or the "otitis media". This often occurs during a common clod when congestion blocks off the intemal passage (Eustachian Tube) that drains fluid from the middle ear. When this passage is blocked, the middle ear fills with fluid and bacteria grow there causing an infection. Antibiotics are used to treat this illness. Improvement usually begins within 1 to 2 days of treatment. FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY: 1.FLUIDS:Fever increases water loss from the body. For infants UNDER 1 YEAR OLD, continue regular feedings (formula or breast). Between feedings give plain water or Oral Rehydration Solution (Pedialye, Infalyte, Rehydralyte available from grocery and drug stores without a prescription). For children OVER 1 YEAR OLD,give plenty of fluids like water, juice, Jell-O water, 7-UP, ginger-ale, lemonade, Kool-Aid or Popsicles. 2.ACTIVITY:Keep children with fever at home resting or playing quietly until the fever is gone. 3.MEDICATIONS:Use only acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Motrin,Advil), NOT ASPIRIN,for fever or discomfort. (There is a chance of wevere liver injury when aspirin is used for viral illness in children and teenagers.) Finish all of the antibiotic medicaine, even though your child may feel better after the first few days. FOLLOW UP: Sometimes,the infection does not respond to the first antibiotic and a different medicine may be needed. Therefore, it is important to have the ears rechecked in 2 weeks to be certain the infection has completely cleared. RETURN TO THIS FACILITY IMMEDIATELY or contact your doctor if you begin to have any of the following: -Your child''s symptoms get worse or do not improve within 2days. -Fever reaches 105 rectal (104 oral) or remains over 102 rectal (101 oral) for 3 days. -Unusual fussiness, drowsiness or confusion; convulsions (seizure). -Frequent diarrhea or vomiting. -New drainage from the ear. ================ FEVER Your child has a fever (a temperature over 100F or 37.8C). Mild fevers are not harmful, but temperatures over 104F (40C) can cause dehydration and fussiness. Fever is a natural reaction of the body to an illness and actually helps the body to fight infections. In most cases, the temperature itself is not harmful and need not be lowered unless it is very high or is making the child uncomfortable. FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY: 1.If your child feels hot, then check the temperature. Use the RECTAL METHOD for children under 5 years of age. Use the ORAL METHOD for children over 5 years of age. If you do not know how to use a thermometer, then ask your pharmacist or nurse. Newer devices that measure ear temperature can be used at any age. However, these may be less accurate than the oral or rectal method. 2.If the temperatureis over 101 rectal or 100 oral/ear, then give acetaminophen (Tylenol) every 4 to 6 hours. If your child is unable to take or keep down oral medicine,ask your pharmacist for Tylenol suppositories, available without a prescription. If the fever is over 104 rectal or 103 oral/ear and does not respond to Tylenol within 1 hour, then give CHILDREN''S MOTRIN (IBUPROFEN) every 6 to 8 hours. 3.If the ibuprofen does not bring down fever within 1 hour, then sit the child in 4 inches of lukewarm water (neither cold nor hot, do not use alcolol). Sponge water onto the scalp, chest and back for 20 minutes. As the water evaorates it cools the body. Recheck the temperature. 4.Once the fever is controlled, continue either Tylenol or ibuprofen as directed. If either medicine alone does not keep the fever down, you may ALTEMATE the two medicines every 3 to 4 hours. (For example, give Motrin then wait 3 hours, give Tylenol then wait 3 hours, give Motrin... etc.) 5.Keep clothing to a minimum because excess body heat is lost through the skin. The fever will increase if you dress your child in extra layers or wrap your child in blankets. 6.Fever increases water loss from the body. For infants UNDER 1 YEAR OLD, continue regular feedings (formula or breast) and between feedings give plain water or an oral rehydration solution (Pedialyte, Infalyte, Rehydralyte available from grocery and drug stores without a prescription). For children



3月1日來美還是會繼續咳 3月5日~6日半夜都會發燒到38.5~38.7 3月7日打電話到美國小兒科問,結果護士不給我們約看診,因為白天沒有發燒,說不燒不用看了 3月8日夜裡還燒 3月9日下午就燒了,所以大姑下班就帶寶弟直接去急診室,看了五小時診,,抽血又照x光,最後醫生說是細菌跑到右邊肺了,寶弟得肺炎....給了抗生素吃,一天吃二次,醫生說若隔天再燒要再來急診 結果回家都沒有退燒,一直都燒不退 3月10日又去了小兒科看,醫生說沒關係,說吃抗生素要48小時才會明顯見效...回家繼續觀查 3月11日前天的急診後,燒一直沒退過,整天溫度都是在38.2~38.6之間 ,到了晚上九點燒到39度,我們就又送急診了 ,之後醫生建議乾脆住院,吊上點滴 3月12日住院 傍晚後就沒發燒了(每天早上一次吃抗生素) 點滴裡一天打二次抗生素,每四小時吹氣一次(說是身體裡的氧氣低過90,說美國小兒科醫生說只要低於95就要吹氣,而寶弟幾乎都是91.92) 3月13日住院 沒有發燒,到下午精神開始好起來,也開始會說肚子餓要吃東西 3月14日晚上七點出院 ,回家太開心樓上樓下跑吐了2次 (之前沒住院前就會吐) 3月15日早上一次吃抗生素 精神都很好,中午沒吃完麵,晚上一碗飯一下就吃完 3月16日白天說很累,也說背會痛(之前也說過二次背痛,我擔心腎會不會也感染了?) 結果半夜就燒到39度,吃了退燒就退了 3月17日早上吃最後一次的抗生素,今晚最體溫最高到37.8度 寶弟的胃口一直不好,不愛吃也不愛喝∼   住院其間,美國醫院的餐都有冰淇淋和果凍,寶弟愛吃 就連小便一天頂多尿3次,且每次100cc 住院前是便秘幾天都大不出來, 住院後都拉肚子,一天約二次三次∼ 今天有打電話去醫院問醫生,醫生說發燒還是會的, 媽咪擔心會不會還有別的併發症呢? 當初在台灣時,唐醫師就說寶弟有發炎...... 真是令人擔心呀!