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Greedy cat's breakfast

Greedy cat's breakfast

Greedy cat had breakfast,bt still he wanted more.
So pitter-pat went Greedy cat to the man who lived next door."Meow?"
He ate the man's omelet,but still he wanted more.
So pitter-pat went Greedy cat to the girl who lived next door."Meow?"
He ate the girl's cereal,but still he wanted more.
So pitter-pat went Greedy cat to the boy who lived next door."Meow?"
He ate the boy's muffin,but still he wanted more.
So pitter-pat went Greedy cat to the dog who lived next door."Meow?"
He ate the dog's biscuits,but still he wanted more.
So pitter-pat went Greedy cat to the cat who lived next door."Meow?"
He ate the cat's tuna,he didn't want any more.
So pitter-pat went Greedy cat to his door.
But Greedy cat was far too fat to fit in his own door.