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哥哥是兩點下課後上到兩點五十,他看功課表內有就自己去,但後來發現都沒有同學在那邊,而且又是上很基礎的英文(A~Z怎麼發音之類的) 就紅著眼眶說不要去

Hi, teacher Cathy,
I heard Joanne mentioned that she
went to the English class today during the Danish class. I am curious about the English class in details like agenda. Is it a reinforcement learning for ESL student ? Because she mentioned she was brought out for the special class, I explained to her which there should have special reason and you should do you best even you know the class content today. Thus, just to know more details to explain to her further. Thanks.

I did try to explain to Joanne, however I am aware communication is a little difficult at the moment. I am glad you asked.

I have arranged for Joanne to be part of the ESL program on Tuesdays and Thursdays. These lessons happen to collide with Danish lessons on a Tuesday. I spoke with Johanne our principal, and we agreed that intensive English at a basic level is of more benefit for Joanne at the moment. Later as she becomes more confident in English she will move back into normal lessons. The ESL lessons will take place in a smaller group with other children who are just starting out with English. They will take place on Tuesday in lesson 3 and 4 and on Thursdays in Lesson 4 and 5. The ESL teacher will of course vary the content according to ability, however at first she will need to assess what Joanne can do in English. She is very quiet at the moment so we are still trying to ascertain her knowledge of English.

The ESL lessons are aimed at providing the children with intensive English training. It will help them to develop a wider basic vocabulary to be able to function, communicate and engage in their own class environment more successfully.

If you have any other questions or would like to sit down and talk in more detail about the program, please let me know and we can arrange a time to meet.

Best wishes,

可以有更多機會跟別人用英語對話,practice makes perfect!!


對於家長的疑問 老師都很重視,立即回覆與溝通
聽Penny姊姊跟她的朋友們都說,OIS是很好的學校,high student quality,管理學生嚴格、不會有霸凌
跟台灣小小的米羅或莉蒂亞(學費每個月將近兩萬) 這裡的教育費更值得投資

現在考慮讓米鳩繼續在OIS念三年...所以生活支出得要從房租縮減囉(希望能順利找到便宜一點的房子....or 媽咪能在這裡找到工作XD)