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MOT programme

Please open the attachment for information about our MOT programme (wellbeing strategy) starting soon in S7-S11.


Regarding MOT (=COURAGE) at Odense International School

Dear students and parents in S7-S11,

As we have forecasted in our summer letter and on parents’ night, we are implementing a wellbeing programme (MOT) for our oldest students. Grade 7-9 at Henriette Hørlücks and S7-S11 at OIS will receive MOT workshops 3-6 times annually. Each workshop will last 3-4 lessons and involve the students in practical exercises, stories, games, dialogue and roleplay. The aim is to support the development of mindful young people with ‘grit’.

MOT was established in Norway by top athletes who wanted to leave a mark as role models for the younger generation. The programme is now implemented in more than 300 schools in Norway. Denmark joined the programme in 2013 and 50 schools have now implemented the programme as part of their wellbeing strategy.

On our campus we have sent 4 members of staff off to receive MOT coach training. They will be visiting and working with our classes. At OIS Johanne Skaanes-Allo (the head) will be working with S7/8 and Henriette Johnsen will be following up S9 and S10/11. S7/8 will be involved in MOT workshops six times this year, while S9 and S10/11 will only receive three visits.

MOT is based on exploring the following three principles:

COURAGE to live
COURAGE to say no
COURAGE to care

The workshops will take place:

S7/8: Thursday 14th September lesson 1-3
Friday 22nd September lesson 2-4
Tuesday 7th November lesson 1-3
Monday 22nd January lesson 1-3
Thursday 8th March lesson 1-3
Thursday 12th April lesson 5-7

S9: Tuesday 24th October lesson 3-6
Friday 8th December lesson 3-6
Tuesday 20th March lesson 3-6

S10/11: Friday 27th October lesson 3-6
Tuesday 5th December lesson 3-6
Friday 6th April lesson 3-6

We have added some links to videos about MOT and the MOT website for your information. Unfortunately, some of the material is only available in Danish. However, you are very welcome to contact us should you have any questions.

Best Regards
The MOT Team

Rikke Sonne, Henriette Johnsen, Johanne Skaanes-Allo and Stine Malling Vårdal



https://motdanmark.dk/om-mot/kort-om-mot/ (video)
