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5-6 Viking camp

Theme: Everyday Life

Dear P4,5,6 including parents,

On Thursday the 5th October P4, P5 and P6 are going to Trelleborg where we will stay in a Viking long house!

The classes will meet at Odense train station at 7:50am. Our train will depart at 8:20am. This means that we will arrive at Trelleborg approximately 10am. At the end of the trip, we will arrive back in Odense on Friday the 6th October at 14:36.

Thursday 5th October: We will depart on the 8:20am train for Slagelse. The children will meet at the train station. We will walk from Slagelse to Treleeborg. We will be met by the museum represeantatives and the children will then be given a guided tour of the site. After the guided tour the children will partake in a number of planned Viking everyday life activities including making their own Viking lunch! After the activities the children will gather in the Viking long house where we will prepare our evening meal and settle down for the night.

Friday 6th October: The children will wake up and make themselves breakfast and a packed lunch. We will then explore the museum, the gift shop and make our way home. We will arrive back in Odense on Friday the 6th October at 14.36. The children should be collected from the train station. Please let the class teacher know when you are leaving with your child.

We are looking forward to it!