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Epic Reading Challenge

Hello Parents,

Exciting Times!

Today we have launched the OIS 500 Words writing competition and the OIS Epic Reading Challenge in preparation for our World Book Day celebrations on March 1st.
The OIS 500 Words writing competition is as the name suggests: •an original story of NO MORE THAN 500 words to be submitted by February the 19th.
•The story can be handwritten or printed and must have a title on the front.
•The author’s name and class should be on the back.
•Stories should be submitted to class teachers.
•Stories should be the child’s own work.

The OIS Epic Reading Challenge is a whole class reading effort. •Each class has a reading list on SuperReaders.dk which the children should select their preferred titles from.
•The reading challenge is 20 books from the list.
•If a child does not manage 20 the number that they have read still contributes towards the class total.
•All books read towards the class total must have a reading response activity completed on the reading response form (see below). It is not enough to just say 'I've read it!'
•Your child will need their Uni Login in order to access SuperReaders. This is in the blue file your child received at the start of the year.
•The children have a reading response sheet that they have been given in class. The children should complete one reading response box per book they have read. Extra sheets can be collected from the class teacher.
•The reading challenge ends on 23rd February. The children should submit their reading response pages to their class teacher.
•The class with the highest number of books read relative to the number of children will win!

The winners of both competitions will be announced in the World Book Day Assembly on Thursday March 1st 2018.
We are looking forward to a splendid week of reading the children’s stories. I am certain selecting a winner will be just a difficult as last year!