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Miss You

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同學和老師送的禮物,滿滿的都是"I will miss you"

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Mia寫給她的Mrs.Landry:hope I am your love muffin forever...

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Mrs. Landry看過Mia的photo book之後,寫給Mia的話

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What an exciting adventure for you!
I’m so glad I was able to be a part of your life.
p.s. You will always be my love Muffin!

Love Always
Mrs. Landry

校長在photo book上寫著:

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I'm so happy you were able to experience American schools at Alcott.

Mrs. Dahl

離開的那天,Mrs. Landry和全班同學,送Mia一個有著學校logo的書包



Mrs. Landry寫給Mia的信,過了很久Mia才願意拿給我們看

Dear Mia,

Having you in our class has been a wonderful experience.
It is amazing to me how well you adjusted to a new class,
new school,& new country!!
Every day you came to school ready to learn & work hard.
It has been an honor to have you as my student.
Although we will miss you very much,
I am thankful for the fun memories.
I will always have of you!!
I hope that someday we will meet again.
Please email me to keep me updated with your life!

Love Always
Mrs. Landry


TO Mia,

I am very sad that you are leaving.
I liked having you at Alcott.
You are very nice and helpful.
Maybe we can write each other so we don't lose touch.
I will miss having you around.


I'll miss you.
You were so fun to have here.
You rock!


Dear Mia,


You are a very sweet girl and I will miss you!
You coming here was a great experience.
Maybe you could come visit us once in a while.
You are one of the nicest girls I know.
Please don’t be sad that you’re going back home.
Just think of what a great time you had.


因為彼此promise will keep in touch!!

Hi Mia,
We all miss you even Brennan cried.We are reading a story we all think you would like! It is called the Last Dragon!!! I hope you have read it! Bye,LoveSydney!!!!!
P.S We still have your empty desk.E-mail me back soon!

Hi mia,
how are you doing we all miss you so much ! Remember we well never forget you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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