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KCIS report

Teacher's comments:
Jay is a quiet member of the class. He was shy and unsure when he first joined the class in
September but as the term progressed Jay overcame his initial shyness and gradually began
playing alongside others.
Jay shares and take turns with adult supervision, he is developing an understanding of the
importance of this, but can be inclined to forget which occasionally causes conflict between
himself and his peers. With encouragement Jay will make progress in this area, playing
appropriately at all times.
Jay is not able to sit still for a few minutes at Circle Time without moving or distracting
others and requires minimal adult supervision sitting beside him to model desired behaviour.
As Jay is quiet he does not readily initiate conversation with adults or peers and prefers to
talk using gestures.
In play situations he is encouraged to converse more with others and he responds well to
questions when being asked. He now takes initiative to approach an adult and imitate what
the teacher says.
Due to his quiet nature Jay does not readily put up his hand to participate in class discussions
and tends to wait to be asked. However, with encouragement he is beginning to show
progress in this area, well done Jay. He is developing self help skills to manage his personal
hygiene and usually makes his needs known to others.