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啷噹六便士【kiss me】

.Kiss Me親吻我 Lyrics:Matt Slocum Music:Matt Slocum Kiss me, out of the bearded barley    從大麥田裡走出來吻我 Nightly, beside the green, green grass  每個夜晚 青草地旁 Swing, swing, swing the spinning step  搖擺 搖擺 搖擺迴旋的舞步 You wear those shoes and I will wear that dress  你穿上那雙鞋而我將穿上那件衣裳 Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight   噢 在乳白色的薄暮下吻我 Lead me out on the moonlit floor      帶領我到月光下 Lift your open hand            揚起你的手 Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance  讓樂團開始演奏 讓螢火蟲起舞 Silver moon's sparkling,          銀色月光正閃耀著 so kiss me                吻我吧 Kiss me down by the broken tree house   在破舊的樹屋下吻我 Swing me upon its hanging tire      搖盪樹下懸吊輪胎做成的鞦韆 Bring, bring, bring your flowered hat   帶著 帶著 帶著你的花帽子 We'll take the trail marked on your father's map  我們將踏上你父親在地圖上標記的小徑 Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight  噢 在乳白色的薄暮下吻我 Lead me out on the moonlit floor     帶領我到月光下 Lift your open hand       揚起你的手 Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance  讓樂團開始演奏 讓螢火蟲起舞 Silver moon's sparkling,    銀色月光正閃耀著 so kiss me           吻我吧



Cappuccino 詞;姚謙 曲;Jae Y.Chong Elva girl bring it on cuz we can baby rock it til'da early morn. We're gonna keep it goin' baby on and on. We be holdn't down't til'da break of dawn. 自從他走了以後 在我的心中 留著不大不小傷口 在這個入秋街頭 所有感受 我還沉溺在回憶漩渦 有人說愛是種烈酒 會讓人失去了左右 Oh Ya~~ 我卻對愛有種不同感受 我深深的覺得 它像手中Cappuccino 愛情像Cappuccino 濃濃的眷戀泡沫 誘人的氣息 多愛不釋手 愛是Cappuccino 苦苦的美麗滋味 藏在我心頭久久 Come and hit me baby one more time cuz the scent of you makes me lose my mind takin' control of my heart with your sensuous style makin' me wild takin' me on a natural high and ya now... 我也以為我能夠 在心碎的時候 轉身大步大步就走 在這個微寒氣候 坐在咖啡館中 溫柔只能心中虛構 有些事已不想說 有些愁無法形容 只 有嚐過的人才懂 如果你深深愛過 付出過溫柔 愛一個人 上癮了以後 思念濃 Cheak1,Cheak2,Cheak3...Listen baby cuz I'mtellin' da truth.Cuz I'm getting' dazy. I'm getting' hazy. The scent of you girl still amaze me, baby faze me, and gets me crazy. So baby tell me is it infatuation? Cuz I'm head over heels in this situation. So baby baby keep it goin' on and on cuz when it comes to love I'm known to be second to none... so cheak it... Elva girl bring it on cuz we can baby rock it til' da early moen. We're gonna keep it goin' baby on and on. We be holdn't it down til' da break of dawn.