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今天是二月份第一天上課 整整玩了20天 早上很準時起床也沒說再睡一下下 帶著好心情上學去 今天在學校老師要妳背英文故事 上星期四媽米幫你從學校帶回故事CD 之後你睡前聽了兩個晚上 今天在學校媽米說你以經大約可以背完 真的嗎 不可能吧 晚上巴比看著稿子聽你背 耶~~你可以背完2/3了 星期四要上台背應該是沒問題了 聽說上星期有四個小朋友上台背過了 又聽說小朋友一上台就皮皮ㄘㄨㄚ 更聽說已經小朋友因為害怕而說不想背 聽說老師有點頭大了 寶貝你會不會有這些聽說 要不然你也會聽說巴比頭大了 Good morning, everyone! My name is Tweety. I am from 親親 calss.I"m going to tell everyone a story. My story is Otto the Cat. Otto is a cat. He lives in a house. "My house" , says Otto. He has a bed. "My bed",says Otto. Otto even has a car. Today Otto wants to go to the pet store. What does Otto want? He wants a new bolw. He wants a new toy mouse. Otto gets everything he wants. Does he want a dog? No! Too late! The dog wants Otto. He wags his tail. "Out of my car!" says Otto. The dog stays put. "Out of my house!" saye Otto. The dog stays put. "Out of my bed" Otto tell the dog. "Do not play with my toy mouse" "Do not eat form my blue bowl." What can Otto do? Everything the goes, The dog goes too. All at once, Otto konws what to do. He runs out of the house to the swing. The dog runs too! "I will run around and around," Says Otto. "I will make the dog dizzy. Then I will run back,and he will not find my house." Otto runs around. At last, He stops.Otto is dizzy. But is the dog dizzy? No! the dog is not dizzy at all. He picks otto up. He takes him to the house."My house," says Otto. "My car. My blue bowl. My toy mouse. My bed" Otto looks at the dog. "My dog," says otto. My story is over Thank you very much