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如果說這個孩子很體貼父母...那好像也是耶... 雖然這幾天得行程都是因為小子不出來臨時加進來的... 話說 上週末我跟小寶熊熊決定要把手上得相機出清 然後讓小寶可以終於升級全篇幅... 不過前提是 相機要在小貝滾出來之前賣掉才可以升級 因為生了小孩又要坐月子忙東忙西 我就會懶得搞相機得事情啦... 所以我就先把相機刊登在網路上 想說看出生之前有沒有機會賣掉... 沒有想到...才刊登 30 分鐘就已經跟買家約好面交地點!! 真是超級有效率!! 昨天除了落紅之外也沒有其他症狀 不過因為面交地點跟醫院也很近...反正生產包也丟在車上了 就出發囉...要是真的有個萬一...就直接殺去醫院 面交也算順利...我們賣得價格也算合理!! 我看買家也超開心得啦... 賣了相機回到家...我又在網路上看到有一個人要便宜賣小寶想要得相機... 其實也不算真的便宜啦...不過因為跟他買不用外加昂貴得稅金 加上他跟我討價還價之後...我還是砍了 150 塊錢... 其實我有猶豫了一下子...因為原本是想說做完月子去美國購買... 不過買了小寶就要回台灣...根本沒辦法用相機拍到小貝... 想到這一點就有點嘔...哈哈....所以最後還是約了賣家見面.. 不過昨天晚上因為開始有陣痛..我就有跟賣家說如果我不幸去生產 那就沒辦法去買囉... 當然我也有跟小寶說...一切看你得命阿!! 要是小貝今天晚上要出來... 就當小貝要我們省錢吧.... 結果.....看我還在寫這篇日記 就知道小貝有多體貼了...滿足了他阿爹得願望 讓我們順利得買下了相機... 既然小貝你這麼體貼 希望你可以讓媽咪順順利利把你孵出來 不要受太多苦阿!!! PS. 這篇不是勸敗文喔!! 哈哈哈.....我可沒說我們敗了啥...


轉貼: 攸關催生

今天肚子有一點點感覺了... 不過不是很強烈 也不知道是想要如廁的不舒服 還是宮縮... 哈哈 所以只好自己去找一些資訊來看 雖然是英文...不過還挺新鮮的... 有興趣的朋友可以看看囉^.^ Q1. What does it mean to induce labor? If your labor doesn't start on its own, your practitioner can use certain medications and techniques to help bring on or "induce" contractions. She'll do this when the risks of prolonging your pregnancy are higher than the risks of induction. Most practitioners will induce labor if you're still pregnant between one and two weeks after your due date. This is because the placenta may become less effective at delivering nutrients at around 42 weeks, and other serious complications become more likely as you pass your due date. Q2. How is labor induced? There are a variety of methods, and the one your practitioner uses will depend on your individual situation — in part, on the condition of your cervix (whether it's ripe or not) and the urgency of the induction. Typically, if you need to be induced but your cervix is not yet dilated or thinned out, you'll be admitted to the hospital and your caregiver will likely start off the induction by inserting medication that contains prostaglandins into your vagina. This medication helps to ripen the cervix and may also stimulate enough contractions to start your labor. If the prostaglandins don't put you into labor, your caregiver will then administer a drug called Pitocin (also known as oxytocin). It's given through an IV and used to start labor or augment contractions you've been having on your own. (If your cervix is ripe to begin with, she'll start with the Pitocin straightaway.) Q3. Are there any techniques for kickstarting labor that I can try myself? There are no do-it-yourself techniques consistently proven to be both safe and effective so don't try anything without guidance from your caregiver. Here's the scoop on some of the methods you may have heard about: • Sexual intercourse: Semen contains prostaglandins and having an orgasm may stimulate some contractions. A few studies have shown that having sex at term may decrease the need for labor induction, but others have shown it has no effect on promoting labor. • Nipple stimulation: Stimulating your nipples releases oxytocin, and it may help start labor, but more research is needed to determine the safety and effectiveness of this method. Because it may overstimulate your uterus, your contractions and your baby's response to them would need to be monitored so don't try this at home. • Castor oil is a strong laxative, and stimulating your bowels may cause some contractions. There's no definitive proof that it helps induce labor though plenty of women can attest to its unpleasant effects! • Herbal remedies: A variety of herbs are touted as useful for labor induction. Some are risky because they can cause contractions that are too long or too strong and may be unsafe for your baby for other reasons as well. For others, the safety and effectiveness remain unknown. (文章轉貼自 http://www.babycenter.com)



昨天產撿完之後得行程就是去 Walmart 購買便宜尿布... 雖然小朋友都還沒有孵出來...哈哈... 可是難得便宜 10 塊錢大洋耶!! 不買怎麼可以呢.... 所以還是先去扛了 Size 3 一大箱... 外加溼紙巾一小箱...(因為兩個一起買還可以送 15 塊錢 Gift Card..) 所以也不管溼紙巾已經買了一堆了...還是又搬一箱回家.. 不過朋友說溼紙巾會用得很兇...多買也沒差啦... 結帳得時候 接到朋友電話知道我還沒生問說要不要一起去吃中飯 我們就跑去吃好吃得飲茶啦... 是在 Metrotown 得福聯... 是真的還不錯吃喔 不過生意太好...服務實在不怎麼樣.... 什麼東西都要跟服務生講三四遍才拿得到 -_- 我們四個大人吃超多東西得... 蘿蔔糕..燒賣..蝦餃...鳳爪..炒米粉..叉燒酥..還有好多好多 沒辦法...我太擔心了 -_- 怕坐月子吃不到好料...就狂點... 不過還好也吃得差不多...只有剩下一點點沒吃完而已.... 吃飽就順便在 Mall 走走消耗一下體力... 不過朋友是建議我去多爬樓梯...看可不可以快點生... 我也不知道哪種有效啦... 醫生是沒叫我爬樓梯... 可能因為我已經開了那麼多公分...不需要爬樓梯? 醫生只有說多走動囉... 逛完又去超市買了香腸水果跟零食才回家... ^.^ 滿足得一天阿!! PS. 我在想...小貝是不是也是想說吃一點這樣得好料...才不出來勒???



今天下雨....不然本來想去逛逛溫哥華得"不怎麼樣 Outlet"... 聽說不怎麼樣是因為沒什麼東西好逛 而且價格也不怎麼便宜...所以我就叫他不怎麼樣Outlet囉... 不過還是有室內得大大 Mall 可以逛啦... 所以我們就中午起床梳妝打扮之後 決定往溫哥華最大得 Mall... Metrotown 前進 今天出門除了逛逛走走之外... 另外兩個任務就是去吃好吃得跟續保汽車保險... 先去把汽車保險解決了... 結果聽到金額真的是嚇死人...居然要快 $3000 塊錢大洋!! 去年住 Victoria 明明就才 $1600 多而已阿... 沒想到搬個家到溫哥華馬上就飆漲快要百分之 200 阿... 好恐怖... 沒辦法囉... 家裡想要新電視得兩個人...(小貝姨跟小貝爹...) 你們只好等一等吧... 哈哈... 反正小貝媽我不看電視...對電視大小非常得不 care 得勒... :P 保險解決之後 就要解決肚子唱空城計得問題啦!! 本來想吃 Fridays... 不過因為太餓了...就直接衝進去 Ricky's 反正都是美式餐廳...管他哪一間... 小貝姨點了好吃得早餐... 小貝爹點了三明治 我則點了辣雞翅跟炸地瓜條... 大家一起分著吃囉... 超級好吃得啦.... 真是超滿足... 吃完就開始逛逛囉... 結果忘記帶朋友送得 coupon... 只能看不能買... 哈哈... 不然就可以再添加一些小貝得冬天衣服阿... 沒得買就繼續走囉... 今天走不多... 大約 2 小時左右... 還是沒有要生得跡象阿... 看來小貝你是打算再媽咪肚子裡冬眠是吧????



今天整理好生產計畫了... 還好網路上有範本.. 不過其實很多選項都有看沒有懂.. 所以看不懂我都直接跳過.. 哈哈 我也是跟朋友聊才知道可以先準備這種東西跟醫生討論 不知道台灣有沒有這樣勒? Due Date: Sept. 25, 2008 Patient of Dr. Brenda Tan / St. Paul Hospital or Richmond Hospital Sept. 20, 2008 Dear Dr. Tan and other caregivers, We are looking forward to sharing our birth experience with you. We have created this birth plan in order to outline some of our preferences for birth. We would appreciate you reviewing this plan, and would be happy to do so with you. We understand that there may be situations in which our choices may not be possible, but we hope that you will help us to move toward our goals as much as possible and to make this labor and birth a great experience. We do not want to replace the medical personnel, but instead want to be informed of any procedures in advance, and to be allowed the chance to give informed consent. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions or comments. Thank you! Please Note I have tested positive for Group B Strep. I have gestational diabetes. Labor I expect that doctors and hospital staff will discuss all procedures with me before they are performed. I would like to be free to walk, change positions and use the bathroom as needed or desired. I will remain hydrated by drinking moderate amounts of fluids (water, juice, ice chips). Please limit the number of vaginal exams. To preserve my privacy and dignity, I would prefer that everyone knock before entering. Anesthesia/Pain Medication I prefer an epidural to narcotic pain medication. I would like to have an epidural as soon as permissable. I would like to have the epidural catheter placed upon my admission to the hospital. Cesarean Section Delivery If a cesarean is necessary, I expect to be fully informed of all procedures and actively participate in decision-making. If conditions permit, our baby should be given to Gary Huang immediately after the birth. Perineal Care To help my perineum stretch, please help guide my pushing efforts by letting me know when to push and when to stop. Please administer local anesthesia when repairing any episiotomy or tear(s). Please suture tears only if necessary. Delivery I would appreciate help from Gary Huang and staff supporting my legs as I push. I would like to have the birth recorded with photographs, video tape and/or tape recording. Postpartum Care I would prefer not to be catheterized until I've had some private time to attempt urination on my own. If available, I would prefer a private room. Once I've had time to recover, I would like our baby to room-in with me. I would like our baby to room-in with me during the day, but stay in the nursery at night. I would like my Gary Huang to room-in with me. I would like permission for access to my chart and our baby's chart. Breastfeeding I would like to know more about breastfeeding. I would like to meet with the staff lactation consultant. Additional notes I would like to take still photographs during labor and the birth. Gary will be the photographer.


11.30 看診

11.30 看診


12.30 營養科複診

12.30 營養科複診