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英文小耳朵 part2

今天是幫Q比安排的第一堂英文課 幾天前就開始耳提面命的告訴他上英文課不能亂生氣 老師不會說中文 所以就算生氣老師也不懂 老師說什麼就跟著大聲唸 玩遊戲不是第一個沒關係 大家排隊輪流玩 結果今天...一切順利 YA~ 一開始老師就讓大家吹泡泡 要唸I like bubbles.才能吹喔~ one, two, three...大家要唸數字才能堆高高喔! Happy, Sad, Angry 按照老師唸的 用球砸白板上的表情 The Wiggles "The Monkey Dance" We're gonna do the monkey (oh oh ah ah oh oh ah ah) Do the monkey (oh oh ah ah oh oh ah ah) Monkey, Monkey (oh oh ah ah oh oh ah ah) That's alright Do the elephant (sound of elephant trumpeting) Do the elephant (sound of elephant trumpeting) Do the elephant (sound of elephant trumpeting) That's alright CHORUS: Jump to the front and the back (repeat monkey sound here) Jump to the front and the back (repeat monkey sound here) Come on and Jump to the front and the back (repeat monkey sound here) Do the tiger (roar) Do the tiger (roar) Tiger, Tiger (roar) That's alright CHORUS We're gonna do the monkey (oh oh ah ah oh oh ah ah) Do the monkey (oh oh ah ah oh oh ah ah) Do the elephant (sound of elephant trumpeting) The tiger, tiger (roar, roar, roar) Hokey Pokey You put your right hand in, You put your right hand out, You put your right hand in, And you shake it all about, You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That what it's all about You put your left hand in, You put your left hand out, You put your left hand in, And you shake it all about, You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That what it's all about You put your right foot in, You put your right foot out, You put your right foot in, And you shake it all about, You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That what it's all about You put your left foot in, You put your left foot out, You put your left foot in, And you shake it all about, You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That what it's all about You put your whole self in, You put your whole self out, You put your whole self in, And you shake it all about, You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That what it's all about If you're happy and you know it If you're happy and you know it, Clap your hands (Clap hands twice) If you're happy and you know it, Clap your hands (Clap hands twice) If you're happy and you know it, Then your face will surely show it If you're happy and you know it, Clap your hands. (Clap hands twice) If you're happy and you know it, Tap your toe (Tap toes twice) If you're happy and you know it, Tap your toe (Tap toes twice) If you're happy and you know it, Then your face will surely show it If you're happy and you know it, Tap your toe. (Tap toes twice) If you're happy and you know it, Nod your head (Nod head) If you're happy and you know it, Nod your head (Nod head) If you're happy and you know it, Then your face will surely show it If you're happy and you know it, Nod your head. (Nod head) If you're happy and you know it, Clap your hands (Clap hands twice) If you're happy and you know it, Clap your hands (Clap hands twice) If you're happy and you know it, Then your face will surely show it If you're happy and you know it, Clap your hands. (Clap hands twice) If you're happy and you know it, Then your face will surely show it If you're happy and you know it, Clap your hands. (Clap hands twice) 看掛圖認ABC 唱ABC字母歌 I like cookies. 玩竹蜻蜓囉! one, two, three go!! 用小積木堆高樓 two by two, two by two 最後大家一起堆一座高樓 然後排成一列 one,two, three 大家一起丟球把樓砸倒



昨天夜裡快三點,縈突然又大哭了 哄了好久都不見效 好想不理她喔 然後...連Q比都被吵醒了 媽咪只好把縈抱到客廳 她那種哭聲 在夜闌人靜的時候恐怕方圓幾哩內都聽得見吧~ 然後...媽咪終於聽出來她咕咕噥噥地在說什麼了 "我不要睡覺" "我要到外面玩" "我睡不著" ㄏㄡˋ~ 簡直就是"胡說八道" 後來Q比跟爸比也到客廳來了 縈說她要看查理蘿拉 爸比真的拿出來放給她看 然後....我們三個都去睡覺了 本來以為她會自己看一看在沙發睡著 結果從三點到六點她不時的跑來"媽咪 你可以起床陪我玩嗎?" 六點多爸比起床了 泡了牛奶叫她去睡 媽咪就跟著她睡到快十點 中間Q比跑進房間大叫"懶豬"好幾次 真是擾人清夢呀~ 媽咪起床後 看到哥哥做了一些暑假作業 後來帶他唸"國王的新衣" 只唸一段哥哥就不行了 不認識的字大概有十幾個 然後讓他繼續完成邏輯配對 ◎帶帽子 這題哥哥可以隨機拿卡片去放 不用按照順序推結果          ◎圖形嘉年華 這題是第一輯裡最難的 因為太多圖形了 哥哥按照順序做比較不會搞亂 也比較不會"惱羞成怒" 爸比怕縈吵哥哥 就把她支開 帶她做資優數學小班 結果哥哥還是一直分心跑過去玩 變成媽咪要叫哥哥不要去干擾縈 把他叫回來做一題昨天做過的 他在那裡生悶氣 心裡一定在想"做過的幹嘛還要再做一次" 因為...媽咪想試試哥哥用隨機拿牌的方式可不可以做這題 答案是yes YA! 做完了 答應他可以玩一下妹妹的泡棉積木 下午帶兩個去上音樂課 一開始是玩變成大樹的遊戲 哥哥一直堅持抱枕上有塵蟎 他會咳嗽 不能當樹 再來是紅色的鳥看到大嘴鳥 大嘴鳥看到青蛙 青蛙看到小鹿斑比 小鹿斑比看到"同學名字" 再來敲鑼打鼓的Q比都很配合 不知是不是夜裡沒睡好,縈上著上著就開始亂發脾氣了 又帶著Q比出門上感統 這樣縈才會甘願的去睡覺 下課後回來接妹妹上腦力激盪 今天做"大家來找碴" 要找出兩個圖形不同的地方 晚上哥哥先去睡了,縈一口氣做了五題邏輯推理,有些是昨天做過了的 除了狗狗和雞帶帽子手套那題 其他的還是要按照順序放 最難的一集 就是好多形狀的那題 媽咪沒給縈做 怕她喪失信心~ ~



早上六點多 Q比說要喝奶奶 媽咪起床發現爸比已經在工作了也 後來繼續睡到八點多 爸比來搖醒媽咪 今天九點敏盛張老師的構音個別課要開始上了 爸比最近比較忙 所以改由媽咪送Q比去 下課回家以後 縈在看查理蘿拉 Q比也跟著看 後來媽咪叫他們做功課 哥哥做暑假作業 縈做資優數學小班 *圖形對應* *立體空間* 做完一題之後 兩個決定先做一個城堡 縈先耍賴說她不會 被媽咪罵以後 才不甘願的做完 後來哥哥又蓋了一個城堡 中餐吃飽後 哥哥ㄠ爸比玩蛇梯棋 爸比拿了兩個骰子 還堅持一定要用磁碗聲音才對 這個遊戲用兩個骰子可以訓練哥哥的加法 真是寓教於樂呀! 妹妹去睡午覺 哥哥想做勞作 媽咪找了一個"卡片花"給他做 因為上面寫"生日快樂" 媽咪跟Q比說要做漂亮一點 當作是自己送給自己的生日卡片 還要哥哥練習寫自己的名字 因為四點要上賴明偉吳老師的課 還剩一點時間 就讓哥哥做一題昨天收到的"邏輯配對"◎繽紛氣球 今天媽咪一律把小圖卡排好放旁邊 然後按順序一格一格叫他們唸出來最上面是什麼 最左邊是什麼 然後加起來會是什麼 例如"兩個黃色加兩個綠色......" Q比今天在卡樂米是用輕塑土裝飾面紙盒 因為還沒完成 媽咪就沒照相囉 晚上從家樂福回來 就把縈抓來做下午Q比完成的那一題 等妹妹做完後 Q比問"為什麼一天不能做兩題?" 這樣問應該就是還想做吧 就找了一題比較簡單的給他做"◎穿什麼、帶什麼" 然後妹妹也繼續做一次 這題很簡單 後來直接拿卡給他們也都找的到位置放喔!