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That matter is under consideration. Exercise and good food are important to the proper growth of a child. My supervisor is busy on dealing with the files. The product quality remains stable. Our friends stay healthy. I keep quiet. The manager seems quite friendly, and I look forward to joining this company. The expert in this field is looking for an assistant during his employment at the company. The number of tourists to the city is increasing. He complimented her on her new dress. Beverages are not allowed in the school bus. She had no cooking facilities in the room. Our school gave a reception to our new principal. This hotel is equipped with many amenities, such as a swimming pool, a conference room, and a kids' play center. Those customers whose receipts are lost are not entitled to refunds in cash. This customer never complained about our products , and always rated the service highly. I would like to know whether the coupon will be valid in the hotel which will be opened in MARCH. Her argument is valid. Our hospital was established in 1950. It was decided that the two businesses should be merged. The moon emerged from behind a cloud. The hospital has established a new emergency room where patients can receive better treatment. This clinic is dedicated to providing medical treatments to patients from low-income families in the area. The hospital has established a new emergency room where patients can receive better treatment. This clinic is dedicated to providing medical treatments to patients from low-income families in the area. Recently, the rate of return for customers who use coupons from the flyers has dropped dramatically.



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