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A letter from a host family




感謝Sara and JC寄來這封信,讓我感到很舒服也很放心;謝謝他們對阿詠的照顧。


We are Sara and Jens Christian Larsen from Jönköping, Sweden. This weekend we had the pleasure of being hostfamily to Sean and his friend Ben from the USA.

We have three sons, Johannes 12, Jacob 9 and Oscar 5 and we spent the weekend at our summer cabin.

Sean was very polite an well behaved during his stay with us and we had a good time together.

On Saturday we went to see an old Swedish farm where they show you how they used to live before modern times, and we went swimming on a lake nearby. Sean enjoyed very much to rest on a floating mattress in the middle of the lake. He could have stayed there for hours.

Sean trying out "bees glasses at the farm"

On Sunday we decided to visit an activity park where the boys could climb, slide, jump an run all afternoon.

All the boys enjoying a big bowl of Swedish candy!

Sean is now back at the camp and we hope he will have a good time for the rest of his stay here in Sweden.

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