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英文小耳朵 part2


Robin老師從宜蘭買回來的 new toy
英文小耳朵 part2_img_1

One, two, buckle my shoe
One, two, buckle my shoe
Three, four, open the door
Five, six, pick up sticks
Seven, eight, lay them straight
Nine, ten, a big fat hen
英文小耳朵 part2_img_2

看掛圖認ABC 唱ABC字母歌
英文小耳朵 part2_img_3

I like bubbles.
英文小耳朵 part2_img_4

Good Morning. Good Afternoon.
Good Evening. Good NIght.
英文小耳朵 part2_img_5

Robin老師從葡萄牙買回來的Skate board
英文小耳朵 part2_img_6
英文小耳朵 part2_img_7

Throw Tennis Ball.
英文小耳朵 part2_img_8
英文小耳朵 part2_img_9
英文小耳朵 part2_img_10

Happy, Sad, Angry
英文小耳朵 part2_img_11
英文小耳朵 part2_img_12

Make a line.
I want buncing ball.
英文小耳朵 part2_img_13

另外還有一首新歌 媽咪終於知道歌名了
是Wiggles的Everybody clap
Robin老師說這首是他的favorite song
Everybody clap
Everybody clap
Everybody sing ( la la la la la )
Bow to your partner
Then you turn around
Hands in the air
Rock a by your bear
Bear's now asleep ( Sh Sh Sh )