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英文小耳朵 Koala Class

有的字用英文單字寫 表示是老師正在教的字

Shake My Wiggles Away
We’re gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake our wiggles away
We’re gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake our wiggles away
We’ve been sitting on the floor for way too long
And now it’s time to stand and sing this silly little song
We’re gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake our wiggles away
We’re gonna clap, clap. clap, clap, clap our wiggles away
We’re gonna clap, clap. clap, clap, clap our wiggles away
We’ve been sitting on the floor for way too long
And now it’s time to stand and sing this silly little song
We’re gonna clap, clap. clap, clap, clap our wiggles away
We’re gonna jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, our wiggles away
We’re gonna jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, our wiggles away
We’ve been sitting on the floor for way to long
And now it’s time to stand and sing this silly little song
We’re gonna jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, our wiggles away
We’re gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake our wiggles away
We’re gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake our wiggles away
We’ve been sitting on the floor for way too long
And now it’s time to stand and sing this silly little song
We’re gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake our wiggles away
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Give Me Five! Lesson3 Yo-Yo, Na-Na, Teddy, Chirpee, Uncle Paul
Teacher Robin問Where isYo-Yo ( Na-Na, Chirpee)? 請小朋友分別指出
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教Happy, Sad, Angry
Make a line, Teacher Robin要發球了
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Teacher Robin 念哪一個,小朋友就要用球丟那一個
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I like bowling.
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Give Me Five! Lesson4 book bag, umbrella, bowl bag, water bottle
Teacher Robin發sword, hammer給小朋友
當他念哪個單字 大家就要拿手上的道具去指出來
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用手上的道具指ABC字母 唱字母歌
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Make a line 大家排隊打baseball
Joy因為上課分心 跑來跑去 沒有好好排隊 結果老師就漏了她
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發ABC字母卡 請大家擺到正確的位置
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用實物教book bag, umbrella, bowl bag, water bottle
老師唸哪個字 小車車就開到那樣東西前面
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