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10. Sir Small and the Dragonfly


Long, long ago a tiny knight rode his trusty ant into the town of Pee Wee. In Pee Wee the tallest person was no taller than a toothpick. The biggest house was no bigger than a shoe box. "This is the town for me!" said the tiny knight. "I think I will stay here." And so he did. But one day a dragonfly flew over the town. "Run for your life!" cried the people of Pee Wee. Lady Teena ran. Down came the dragonfly. WHOOSH! Up went lady Teena. "Help! Help!" she shouted. "The dragonfly has taken Lady Teena to its cave. Who can save her?" asked the king. The butcher said, "I am too old." The baker said, " I am too fat." The candlestick maker said, "I am too scared." "I am not scares," said the yiny knight. "You? Who are you?" asked the king. "I am Sir Small. I have my sword." It was the size of a pin. "I have my shield." It was no bigger than a penny. "And I have my trusty ant." The king laughed. "You are even smaller than we are!" "I am small, but I am brave. I will save Lady Teena." Sir Small rode to te cave of the dragonfly. The dragonfly was asleep. Lucky Sir Small! "Shh!" he said to Lady Teena. Then he ct the ropes. Lady Teena was free! "Come with me," Sir Small told her. Lady Teena got on Sir Small's ant. Away they rode. There was no time to lose! Soon the dragonfly woke up. Where was the pretty lady? The dragonfly wanted her back. The dragonfly flew after Sir Small and Lady Teena. It came closer and closer. But Sir Small was not scared. He saw a big spider web. Now he had a plan! Sir Small rode behind the web. "Try and get us!" he called to the dragonfly. Down came the dragonfly. It flew into the web and was trapped. That was the end of the dragonfly. That knight the people of Pee Wee had a big party. Lady Teena sat with Sir Small. They were very happy. The king said, "Here's to Sir Small. The smallest- but bravest - of all!"