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Sophia&Aaron's Mom

Teacher Amanda給爸爸媽媽的留言

Dear parents,
We are now in the fourth week of the third trimester.
We have just started a new unit.
This unit will revolve around toys.
In this unit students will learn a variety of toy vocabulary, as well as how to talk about the toys they have, the toys they want, and the toys others want or have.
In this unit the students will also have the opportunity to make their own toys, and then present these toys to the class.
They will also be able to bring in their favorite toys from home, and tell everyone about their toy and why it is their favorite.
I have also prepared a variety of toy related games to help them learn the vocabulary and sentence structure for this unit.
I think everyone will really enjoy this unit.
We are also continuing preparation for the spelling bee.
I hope Sophia can continue to work toward this challenge.
Soon we will start preparation for the Read Aloud competition.
Like the spelling bee, this will require she work independently, and demonstrate self-motivation to excel.
I am sure she can rise to the challenge.
Teacher Amanda1050311