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Sophia&Aaron's Mom

Teacher Amanda給爸爸媽媽的留言

Dear parents,
We are now in the 2nd week of the third trimester.
Everyone seems refreshed after the break.
They are entering back into their new school routines very nicely, happy to share the adventures and stories they have from their vacations.
We have just started a new unit.
This unit we will learn all about clothes.
We will learn basic clothes vocabulary, how to describe what we and others around us are wearing, and even what people in different countries wear as their traditional costumes.
I am pleased to see that everyone knows a variety of clothes vocabulary already from their time in the whole English kindergarten program.
We have also started pre-paring for the spelling bee.
We hope everyone can learn 10 words a week, and in 10 weeks they are able to do well on their spelling bee.
I am sure Sophia will comfortably rise to the challenges of spelling bee.
And that she will continue to excel in the new unit.
Keep up the great work!
Teacher Amanda1050226

Dear Teacher Amanda~
Thanks for your teaching.
I am sure Sophia will comfortably rise to the challenges of spelling bee,too.^____^
Sophia's Mom 105/03/10