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Speaking Contest


Birds By Meish Goldish Birds in the sky, in the lake, in the tree, So many birds for you to see! Mockingbird, blue jay, robin, sparrow, Cardinal, oriole, swift as an arrow! Bobolink, chickadee, bullfinch, crow, Warbler, raven, watch them go! Meadowlark, blackbird, nightingale, thrush, Birds in a bush, and birds in the brush. Woodpecker, hummingbird, osprey, owl, Chicken and turkey (Known as fowl). Duck in the water, dove in the sky, Ostrich and penguin, which don’t even fly! Swan and pelican, puffin and goose, Buzzard and eagle on the loose. Stork and heron with long pink legs, Hawk and falcon, guarding their eggs. Albatross, vulture, peacock, pheasant, Birds that are wild, birds that are pleasant. Birds in the sky, in the lake, in the tree, So many birds for you to see! Nine Black Cats By Dennis Lee As I went up To Halifax, I met a man With nine black cats. One was tubby, Two was thin, Three had a pimple On his chin. Four ate pizza, Five ate lox, Six ate the wool From her long black socks; Seven had a dory, Eight had a car, And Nine sang a song On a steel guitar. So tell me true When you hear these facts- How many were going To Halifax? Mice By Rose Fyleman I think mice are rather nice. Their tails are long, Their faces small, They haven’t any Chins at all. Their ears are pink, Their teeth are white, They run around The house at night, They nibble things They shouldn’t touch And no one seems To like them much. But I think mice are nice. The Loser By Shel Silverstein Mama said I’d lose my head If it wasn’t fastened on. Today I guess it wasn’t Cause while playing with my brother It fell off and rolled way And now it’s gone. And I can’t look for it Cause my eyes are on it, And I can’t call to it Cause my mouth is on it And I couldn’t hear it Cause my ears are on it I can’t even think about it Cause my brain is in it. So I guess I’ll sit down On this rock And rest for just a minute… Sea Animals By Meish Goldish What do you see in the sea? Animals moving free! Snails and whales Using their tails. Seals and eels Looking for meals. Catfish, flatfish Chasing fat fish. What do you see in the sea? Animals moving free! Freddie By Phil Bolsta I don’t like doing homework. I know that it will bore me. But now I am much happier Cause Freddie does it for me! He greets me at the door each day When I come home from school He just can’t wait to read my books- I think that’s pretty cool. I give him all my homework, Like history and math. And when he’s done I give him A nice warm bubble bath! My grades are so much better now, Which makes my parents glad. Freddie is the smartest dog That I have ever had! Fishing Author Unknown When I go fishing I’m always wishing Some fish will be my prize; But while I’m fishing, The fishing are wishing Otherwise. And all the wishes Of all the fishes Seem always to come true; So all my wishes To catch some fishes Never do. Five Little Fishes By Valerie Danoff Five little fishes, swimming in the sea, The first one said, “Oh, what can we see?” The second one said, “I can see a tail.” The third one said, “It must be a whale!” The fourth one said,”She’s looking for lunch,” The fifth one said, “She’ll eat us in one munch!” Five little fishes, swimming side by side, cried “Oh where, oh where, oh where can we hide?” My Dog Has Got No Manners By Bruce Lansky My dog has got no manners. I think he’s very rude. He always whines at dinnertime While we are eating food. And when he’s feeling thirsty and wants to take a drink, he takes it from the toilet instead of from the sink. He never wears a pair of pants. He doesn’t wear a shirt. But worse, he will not shower To wash away the dirt. He’s not polite to strangers. He bites them on the rear. And when I’m on the telephone, He barks so I can’t hear. When I complained to Mommy, She said, “I thought you knew: The reason that his manners stink- He learns by watching you. My Teacher Ate My Homework By Ken Nesbitt My teacher ate my homework. Which I thought was rather odd. He sniffed at it and smiled. With an approving sort of nod. He took a little nibble— It’s unusual, but true – Then had a somewhat larger bite And gave a thoughtful chew. I think he must have liked it, For he really went to town. He gobbled it with gusto And he wolfed the whole thing down. He licked off all his fingers, Gave a burp and said, “You pass.” I guess that’s how they grade you When you’re in a cooking class.