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Annabell lin burgess


1 Homework comes first! 先寫作業。
2 Wash your hands first! 先去洗手。
3 Clean your room first! 先整理你的房間。
4 What are you doing now? 你現在在做什麼?
5 Go and do it now. 現在就去做。
6 Do it before you go out. 做完才能出去。
7 You try first! 你自己先試試看。
8 You should go to bed now! 你該上床睡覺了。
9 You should study harder. 你應該認真點讀書。
10 Lie down and go to sleep. 躺下來睡覺。
11 You have to get up early. 你必須早起。
12 Sweet dreams. 祝你有好夢。
13 Stop playing computer games! 不要再玩電腦遊戲了!
14 Stop eating junk food. 不要吃零食了。
15 Are you still playing games? 你還在玩電腦遊戲嗎?
16 No more today! 今天不能再玩了!
17 You have played enough. 你已經玩夠多了。
18 Keep your promise 要守信。
19 Only for an hour. 只有一個小時。
20 Be nice to your friend. 對朋友要好一點。
21 Don’t make excuses. 不要找藉口。
22 You should say sorry. 你應該說對不起。
23 Don’t be so picky. 不要這麼挑食。
24 Are you done? 你吃完了嗎?
25 Clean up your mess, please. 請將你製造的髒亂收拾乾淨。
26 Pick up the garbage, please. 請將垃圾撿起來。
27 Tidy up your desk. 收拾書桌。
28 Let’s wipe the floor. 我們來擦地板。
29 Move back from the TV. 離電視遠一點。
30 Move the chair aside. 將椅子移到旁邊。
31 Watch out for cars! 小心汽車。
32 Watch out for strangers 小心陌生人。
33 Try it by yourself. 自己試試看。
34 You try first and then ask me. 自己先試試看,再來問我。
35 Take your time! 慢慢做。
36 Ask me anytime. 隨時可以問我。
37 I’m sure you can do it. 我相信你自己可以做。