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Annabell lin burgess

lesson plan for Anna's PG

We prepare a English & Japanese calssroom in our church on next Tues afternoon pm3:00.
It's the lesson plan for that day

[WARM UP] about 10 mins
Can you follow me ?
Yes! I can.

パンダ うさぎ コアラ
(熊貓 兔子 無尾熊)
おいでおいでおいでおいで パンダ
(來來來來 熊貓)
おいでおいでおいでおいで うさぎ
(來來來來 兔子)
おいでおいでおいでおいで コアラ
(來來來來 無尾貓)
パンダ うさぎ コアラ ……
(熊貓 兔子 無尾熊)

[Song] about 10 mins
"Good Morning"
Good Morning Good Morning YAYAYA
Good Morning Good Morning LALALA
Good Morning Good Morning YAYAYA
Good Morning Good Morning LALALA
Good Morning teacher Good Morning My dear
Good Morning Everyone LALALA
Good Morning Good Morning YAYAYA
Good Morning Good Morning LALALA

[Words] about 10 mins
today we are talking about Greeting.
so we'll teaches our kids to know
"good morning" "good afternoon"
"good evening" " good night"

[song] about 10~15 mins
if you can to be a good baby~
santa must give you the fantastic gift!
now we sing a song about Santa

"Santa Claus Is Coming to Town"
You'd better watch out.
You'd better not cry.
You'd better not shout. I'm telling you why. "WHY ?"
Santa Claus is coming to town.
He sees you when you're sleeping.
He knows when you're awake.
He knows if you are good or bad.
So be good boys and girls.
You'd better watch out.
You'd better not cry.
You'd better not shout. I'm telling you why. "WHY ?"
Santa Claus is coming to town.

sh~~ mommy is coming~

the classroom's photo
lesson plan for Anna's PG_img_1