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$5 Day at The Henry Ford


$5 Day at The Henry Ford November 2, 2013 The Henry Ford is offering $5 admission to Henry Ford Museum, Greenfield Village, the Ford Rouge Factory Tour or a traditional IMAX® movie on Saturday, November 2, 2013. The $5 admission is made possible by the Ford Foundation ArtsAccess program. Visitors can also choose to purchase two venues for $10, three for $15 or all four for $20. The one day only event is in recognition of the historic decision by Henry Ford to offer workers a wage of $5 per day in 1914 which played a major role in building America’s middle class. Learn more about the $5 work day at: The Rise of the Middle Class. This program is made possible by the Ford Foundation, which works with visionaries on the frontlines of social change worldwide. Learn more at fordfoundation.org. pricing All venues, all ages, $5 per ticket Available onsite ONLY- $5 pricing is NOT available online or in advance. (no other discounts may be applied) Not valid on AVATAR Special Edition: An IMAX 3D Experience. Children 4 and under are free for Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village Children 2 and under are free for Ford Rouge Factory Tour Infants (or children who do not require their own seat) are free for IMAX Theatre Parking is $5 per vehicle. Parking is free for members of The Henry Ford. what to bring, what to wear Greenfield Village Greenfield Village is spread over dozens of acres-- comfortable clothing and comfortable shoes are a must. A large portion of activities are held outdoors, rain, snow or shine. Dressing for the weather is a must. Bring umbrellas/rain gear/snow gear and prepare for a wide range of temperatures. Wheelchairs are available for a small fee at the Village entrance. Electric scooters are also available for a fee, but only in limited supply. Wheelchairs and scooters are rented on a first come, first served basis-- plan to arrive early if you need to rent them. You are welcome to bring your own wheelchair or scooter, however, upright scooters (Segways) are not allowed on premises. Children's wagons are also available to rent for a fee at the Village entrance. You are welcome to bring your own stroller or wagon, however, recreational scooters, bicycles or in-line/in-sole skates are not allowed inside the Village gates. Bring a camera; photography is allowed in all areas of the Village. Henry Ford Museum The exhibits of the Henry Ford Museum are spread across several acres; all indoors. Comfortable clothing and comfortable walking shoes are recommended. Wheelchairs and electric scooters are available to rent for a fee at the IMAX and Clock tower entrances. Electric scooter supplies are limited, please arrive early if you plan to rent one. You are welcome to bring your own wheelchairs, electric scooters and children's strollers-- however, upright electric scooters (Segways) are not allowed on premises. Bring a camera; photography is allowed in most areas of the Museum.

Manresa Picnic Mass start at 2pm


http://www.manresa-sj.org/274_Picnic.htm MANRESA FAMILY PICNIC June 2, 2013 The First Sunday in June We invite you and your family to visit our beautiful building and grounds for our annual Manresa Family Picnic. Bring Your Picnic Baskets! Mark your calendars now and tack a reminder on the refrigerator to come to the Manresa Family Picnic on Sunday, June 2nd beginning at 2:00 PM with a Mass at the Grotto. Last year’s picnic on the grounds was a roaring success with beautiful weather and featured a Mass with Bishop Hanchon for the second year in a row. It was a wonderful day sparked by great food, music, games and simply a good ole’ fashioned great time. Some even received ice cream cones served by Bishop Hanchon! Now where can you go to see that? We plan a repeat performance for 2013 and we very much want you to be a part of it. Bring a friend and introduce them to Manresa! Plans are afoot for games for the kids, food, music and song for everyone. We’ll supply burgers and dogs from the grill, buns, lemonade and ice cream cones. So pack a picnic basket with the rest of your eats, a blanket or folding chair, and join us for a great day at Manresa. There will be tours of the House beginning at 3:00 PM conducted by trained volunteers who will bring you up on the history of Manresa. Don’t miss the fun. Beginning at 2 PM with an Outdoor Mass at the Lourdes Grotto Face Painting Farm Animals Yard Games Tours Band Bring your lawn chairs and picnic lunches. Hot dogs, hamburgers and lemonade are provided.



今天下午我正在哄妹睡午覺 突然電話響起 是學校老師打來的 我本來一聽到老師打來,心想該不會是有便溺在褲子上,老師叫我去處理吧 結果更慘的是JJ在學校跌倒了 我一聽跌倒,流血,心都慌了 不等老師說完,我就說我馬上到 於是立刻撇下妹,衝出門去 到了學校看JJ捧著一包冰塊冰著口鼻 我想該不會是流鼻血吧,這小子很常流鼻血 心裡剛要鬆了一口氣 老師才跟我說他是傷到門牙左上方的牙床 整塊牙齦的肉都不見了 滿嘴都是血 還露出牙床裡面的骨頭 看起來就超痛的 JJ還忍著只有啜泣,沒有嚎啕大哭 護士阿姨跟我解釋她怎麼處理 然後因為暫時還沒有止血 也怕撞到骨頭 所以叫我帶去給牙科看 音樂老師(意外發生時正在上音樂課)也來跟我解釋當時的狀況和發生意外的原因 結果還是因為JJ自己沒有遵守規則,在教室和朋友追逐才發生的意外 出了學校先打電話給JJ爸 叫他問問二姑奶奶要怎麼辦 JJ爸把狀況轉達給二姑奶奶之後 二姑奶奶馬上做出專業的判斷:沒關係,等她下班再回來看,不用去醫院,先冰敷 結果我看JJ是有點被嚇到 整個人沒精神,我讓她躺在沙發上看電視他看到睡著 等到吃晚餐時間才精神好一點 吃了晚餐,還算可以,因為傷口不會接觸到食物, 所以只要咀嚼的動作不要太大,都不太會痛 二姑奶奶下班回來帶了道具幫JJ看診 診斷的結果是沒關係,缺損的牙齦回自己長好 這陣子可多吃冰淇淋 JJ聽到這原本裝憂鬱的臉終於忍不住偷笑了 感謝上帝保佑還好不是傷到頭臉 也還好沒有撞碎骨頭 希望JJ可以學到教訓 不要在不可以跑步的地方跑步了 還有這次意外還好有姥姥在 我整個心驚驚,還好有姥姥幫我接手看妹 然後我才可以衝去學校 唉~姥姥下個月就要回去了,姥姥回去了媽媽怎麼辦啊