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Our Roomates- Eastern Europeans

We have four roommates living in the same floor in this house, and we share the common area, such as living room, kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, dining room and so on. They are all very friendly. Today we finally got a chance to know each other more. I realized we are surrounded by Eastern Europeans.

Jerry, our landlord, is a Czech. He has strong accent that only I can understand. I mean his English is very difficult for Hazel to understand. For me, I can only understand 60%- 70%. Others I have to guess.

Stan, who is a friend of Jerry's son, is a half Czech, half Filipino. I thought he was originally from Vancouver, but he wasn't. However, he grew up in Vancouver. So everyone else here counts on him a lot. We consult everything with him. He's a very good person. And he's the one who told me Czech and Slovakia was called Czechoslovakia.

Fero, is the handsome guy that I mentioned in the first diary. He's a Slovakia. He doesn't talk much. Today Stan invited him and us to a Dim Sum place to have lunch. It's Fero's first time having Dim Sum. He didn't seem to enjoy too much.

Kasia and Artur are Polish couple. Kasia is very beautiful and we often talk to each other. She can make very good cinnamon apple juice. Smells so good! Artur's English isn't very well, so he hardly speak to us. Just having very basic conversations.

Those are our interesting roommates. I've never met so many Eastern Europeans. Now I learn a lot about Eastern Europe. It IS some experience.


Photos for Week 3