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Sandy埃及自助旅行Schedule on time_final

My schedule as below~so please also give me best wishes and I'll have nice with safely trip for Egypt,thanks!

1)10/7 20:05 TEM 1(TPE to BKK)
2)10/08 00:05 - 05:00(BKK to CAI)
3)10/08 Early morning check in
Egypt Museum
4)10/09 Giza(人面獅身像...)Ride on Camel
5)10/10 Coach Cairo --> Al-Bahariyyah Oasis巴哈里亞綠洲
(Bawiti) --> over night in Bawiti -->
next morning return to Cairo
Hotel or Camping in Bawiti Oasis (camping outside)(Arrange
when arrive in Egypt, A driver and over night tent, sleep
bags, food, waters)
6)10/11 Hotel on Aswan(亞斯文);
Philae temple 斐萊神殿(Key)
Temple of Kbum
Elephantine Island艾爾芬丹島
7)10/12 Abu Simble(阿部辛貝神廟)from 3:00am to 12:00am
Themple of Ramesses II (key)
Temple of Queen Nefertari (key)
8)10/13 Kom Ombo (key)
Hotel in Kom Ombo or Cruise hotel
9)10/14 Edfu
Temple of Horus (key!!)
Esna(埃斯那神廟)Hotel on Cruise arrange by Travel agent.
Over night to Luxor
10)10/15 Luxor
Temple of Luxor (Key)
Temple of Karnak卡納克神廟(Key)
Temple of Ramessess II (key)
Temple of Mut (key)
11)10/16 Luxor
Temple of Hatshepsut (Deir Al Bhri) (key)
Ramesseum II temple (key)
Madinat Habu (key)
Temple of Pamessue III
Temple of Tuthmosis III
12)10/17 Vally of Kings (Tutankhamun) or join hotel 1 day tour to
Kin vally (key)
(optional) Air ballon trip in King Vally (arrange when
arrive Luxor)
Museum of Luxor (key)
Museum of Mummicication (if have time)
13)10/18 Alexandria city tour
Fish Market
Midan Saad Zaghloul
Alexandria Library
14)10/19 Cairo city tour
Muhammad Ali Mosque
Sharia El Muizz Road (many mosque)清真寺
10:15:00 PM(CAI to BKK 11:55 (+1))
15)10/20 17:45 to 22:25(BKK to TPE)Home
I'll write down that share with my experience with trace during 10/07 to 10/20 in my Blog of Egype,just waiting for me back.
