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(詳網址故事-->) http://www.csstpe.org.tw/client/ 就因為Sandy身為人母,及看到那麼小的小朋友一生下來就要受那麼大的苦(腦部開刀)就感到很心疼,尤其是Sandy以前年少輕狂曾經生活糜爛及墮胎過,所以Sandy是抱持著贖罪的心來行善,希望可以彌補以前不懂事殺生的罪過,以前做太多傷害自己身體的事情,所以照因果的道理來看待自己,自己的身體曾經在某一段時期,常患有子宮方面的疾病,在閱讀過那麼多因果的書籍之後,才慢慢瞭解,這是老天爺在懲罰自己,所以奉勸大家歹路不可行,人在做天在看,報應不是不報,有時候是時候未到,不要抱著僥倖心態!對身邊的親朋好友也是一樣,不要佔別人的便宜,所以也希望周邊的親朋好友要將心比心,這也是會有果報的,這一世可以當親朋好友是緣份,不管是善緣或惡緣都要好好的處理,每個人都希望遇到善緣,不想遇到惡緣,這是世間人的心願與常情。但是善緣或惡緣往往由不得自己。既然無法選擇就好好的接受與處理,可以這一世將善/惡緣了結,將來轉世後便不會與此世的人繼續糾纏下去~與自己共勉之~


(Since 1983 providing socialservice, CSS actively rescue and support children, women and their families in times of crisis. CSS works on the principle of respect and allowing everyone to exercise their rights. The aim of CSS is to help children, women and their families to develop the skills and strength to build a better future. As a member of social rescue team in Taiwan area, CSS became a non-profit organization, licensed under the Taipei Social Welfare Bureau.)

Since the early days, CSS has been devoting itself to assist women and babies/children who stand on the edge of hope due to social pressure, psychological trauma, emotional problems and financial difficulties. Most of the children have to face high developmental challenges and disadvantaged factors, including premature baby, children with high-risk of being ill, children with birth defects/ special needs, children with a completed social history (such as drug-addicted birth mother or birth mother with mental diseases), relinquished children and so on. In addition, CSS helps families whose babies/children may have or have disabilities, or special medial needs.
CSS provides these parents and families counseling services and respite care in order to reduce their stress. By giving these parents a temporary break time, they can rationally face their current issues and learn how to increase their abilities to take care of their children.

Over the years of working experiences, CSS has developed several high levels of quality assisting and rescuing programs, including helping women and children in times of crisis, counseling helpless women and families and so on. Therefore, these minority groups who are in the disadvantage situations can be rescued from the physical or psychological hardship or abused environment, and help them to establish a new start so them can actively face the immediate and future challenges in their lives. CSS also founds Mu-En Hallway House, our child care facility registered under Taipei City, in order to provide direct and professional care to the children who are relinquished, or have special needs or hgih medical needs. We hope that we also can increase children's life dignity and quality, and promote as well as assist heir development and skills that enable them to reach their full potential.

The vision of CSS is based on the love of Jesus to rescue women and children in crisis or helpless situations by providing direct assistance, such as counseling services and medical care. It is the passion to demonstrate the love of God by letting people to experience the love of God.