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School weekly Rpt.


This week in Practical Life, everybody is participating in establishing ground rules for the field trip last April 20, 2011. We also had some feed backing on the field trip. In Sensorial, we had a review of Geometric Cabinet #5 and started working on Geometric Cabinet #6– curved figures

In Science we had a review on corals and we watched a video on octopus vs. shark. Almost all of the students guessed that octopus will win. Last April 20, 2011, we had a field at the Botanical Garden. It was a whole day affair and the students had a great day. We also had a drawing activity of what they saw in the Botanical Garden. In Geography/Culture we were learning about the continent of South America.

English class

We have finished our work in Explode the Code 1 and have moved on to the second book. We are focusing on proper grammar in asking and answering simple questions in speech and in writing. Thus we have practiced our use, and identification of, punctuation (the question mark, the period, and the apostrophe). The second book will also focus on the combination of consonants for initial sounds (i.e. dr, tr, gl,…) and the combination of consonants and vowels for ending sounds (i.e. ck, ed, es, ing,…) with new vocabulary.


1.学习古诗《鹅 鹅 鹅》,要求有感情的背诵下来,书写里面的汉字:白、毛、水、向,个别同学要写拼音,在朗诵的时候要看着拼音来朗诵,养成看拼音来朗诵,这样以后遇到不认识的字看拼音来认读。

2.学习笔画横折钩、竖钩、竖弯钩,这些笔画在古诗《鹅 鹅 鹅》里面的汉子。



