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School Weekly Rpt.


This week in Practical Life we were learning on how to greet and introduce somebody. We did it through dramatization. And on Sensorial we work with Geometric Cabinet #1 and Geometric Cabinet #2 matching it with the corresponding cards. Everybody had a chance to work with it during circle time.
We were learning about dolphins in Science, its characteristics and the similarities and differences of dolphins and whales. And In relation with our topic about dolphins we watched the movie Free Willy 2 in the internet. We are still in the continent of South America in Geography/Culture. We were learning the country Brazil, its geographic location, the people, language, population, religion and economy. We also had an activity “pinning the name of different countries of South America.


In English class we have continued on our way through the Explode the Code 2 book. The first few lessons focus on consonant blends like fl, gl, cl, cr, fr, br, bl, etc. We have been learning 4 and 5 letter words using these combinations. In the morning more time will be spent on creative writing, making pictures and telling stories.


1.复习上星期学的《鹅 鹅 鹅》、《我的小书架》里面的汉字,要求能按笔顺写下来。


2.感知乘法,感知相同数连续相加,2+2+2+2=? 以前我们遇到这种问题是用加法的方式运算,但是今天老师介绍一种乘法的运算,2×4=8 又如:1+1+1+1=4 用乘法表的形式就是1×4=4 就是这样来计算的,这一周先让学生做这些简单的练习。