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Biss Rpt

Please remember that school is closed from Friday 11 November and will reopen on Wednesday 16 November. We hope you all have a relaxing weekend.
Please continue to support our Giving Tree bag sales to donate at the end of November. If you would like to buy any more, please take your money and reply slip to the uniform shop. If you need a letter, please contact your teacher and they will pass one on for you from the charity co-ordinator.
This week in Literacy we will be continuing an exciting unit of work on fan fiction. This is a genre where children can use their knowledge of characters and settings from their favourite books to construct their own stories. To support this we will be learning about ‘Story Mountains’ and looking at the punctuation of direct speech. This will build to the children writing their own stories to enter a Global Campus writing competition.

Fan fiction, Story Mountain, overcome, resolution

In Maths, we will be continuing to look at meaure. This will first involve the conversion of units in base 10, from litres to millilitres and so on. We will then look at converting from metric to imperial units, using resouces from our cooking room. Finally, we will move on to seeing how to apply this knowledge in a selection of word problems and real life scenarios. Throughout the week, we will also be taking it in turns to use the cookery room to meaure ingredients and apply what we have learnt to some cooking.

Mass, speed, volume, time, units

We will be continuing our World War 2 topic and building on the foundations of knowledge we have laid in the first weeks back. The children will be investigating the Blitz and discovering what life was like for children under the rain of bombs falling upon London during 1940. They will also be using a range of challenging techniques in Art to construct a multi-layered piece of printed work that depicts the destruction of war. This will be coupled with an investigative scheme of work using laptops and iPads to study how shelters were built to keep the population safe from falling bombs.

Blitz, evacuation, bombing, incendiary, lino

This week the children will use a new touch typing program and will continue to learn the coding language ‘Python’.

Touch-typing, coding, Python

In PSHCE this term we will be beginning a mindfulness course called ‘Paws B’. This will involve the students learning a range of new strategies to help train their brains to make them more effective learners.

Trust, bravery, commitment

Topic: Snacks –Review

Children will do more exercises about sentences and role play.

Homework: Paper sheet.

Y6 C2
Topic: Chinese Writing Radicals

Students will learn 12 more Chinese radicals with their semantic symbols. Review all 36 radicals.

Homework: Finish worksheet on Chinese radicals

Y6 C3
This week students will review lesson 1 and lesson 2 through some interactive activities

Homework: Worksheets

Y6 C4