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School Rpt

Wednesday 14th December- Christmas school lunch.
Thursday 15th December- Pupils can come to school wearing party clothes for our classroom party.
Thursday 15th December- End of Term 1 report issued.
Friday 16th December- Last day of school.
Now the weather is beginning to get colder, please send your child with a coat and/or school fleece clearly labelled with their name. Please do not send ‘hoodies’. Children may also like to bring a hat to keep their head warm, especially after swimming.
Week beginning 27th March is International Week and we will have the International Day Parade during this week. As many of you may be returning home for the Chirstmas vacation we would like to inform you of this upcoming event. This advance notice may give you an opportunity to prepare any clothes from your home country for this special event.
This week in Literacy we will be continuing to look at the life of Anne Frank and using her tragic but inspirational story to form the basis of our learning about biographies. We will look at a range of organisational devises that are used in non-fiction writing to guide the reader including: bullet points, headings, sub-headings, captions and text boxes.

Bullet points, headings, sub-headings, captions and text boxes

In Maths, we will finish reviewing the children’s learning so far this term. We will precede this with a revision of the four main operations and help the children build to making bigger and bigger calculations. We will then assess their understanding of arithmetic and longer, word based problems.

Addition, subtraction, division, multiplication

We will be finishing our World War 2 topic and building on the foundations of knowledge we have laid in the first weeks back. The children will be investigating the Blitz and discovering what life was like for children under the rain of bombs falling upon London during 1940. They will also be using a range of challenging techniques in Art to construct a multi-layered piece of printed work that depicts the destruction of war. This will be coupled with an investigative scheme of work using laptops and iPads to study how shelters were built to keep the population safe from falling bombs.

Blitz, evacuation, bombing, incendiary, lino

This week the children will use a new touch typing program and will continue to learn the coding language ‘Python’.

Touch-typing, coding, Python

In PSHCE this term we will be beginning a mindfulness course called ‘Paws B’. This will involve the students learning a range of new strategies to help train their brains to make them more effective learners.