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In Literacy this week we will be beginning a fantastic unit of work on Shakespeare’s Macbeth. This will begin with an exciting experience involving three talented actors performing for the year group in Stage 1. We shall then use this to begin learning about Act 1 of this wonderful play, where Macbeth and Banquo first encounter the witches and receive their prophecies.

Hurly-burly, heath, thane, fair and foul, rapt

In Maths this week we will be learning about averages. We shall consider the purpose of finding averages and then interrogate a series of graphs to generate our own. We shall also be completing an assessment to see how far we have progressed this term and what new skills we have learned. We shall finish the week by setting our own targets as to what areas we need to focus on to improve.

Mean, median, mode, range, average

This term our new Themed Learning topic is water. This will be a unit that will involve a great deal of practical scientific investigation and the study of some challenging geographical case studies. In the next few weeks we will be looking at the issue of water scarcity across the globe and how communities overcome these challenges. We will also be beginning some scientific investigations into the properties of water. Other students will be using their art skills with batik to make a beautiful cushion.

Physical scarcity, economic scarcity, abundance

This week the children will use a new touch typing program and will continue to learn the coding language ‘Python’.

Touch-typing, coding, Python

In PSHCE this week we will focus further on fostering new relationships, creating rules and expectations for the group and how to work together successfully. We will reflect on what we achieved last term and discuss new personal targets for the term ahead. We have welcomed some new children to Year 6 and will discuss how we can continue to be helpful in settling them into their new school.

Targets, goals, aims, kind, helpful, responsible citizens

Y6 C1
Topic: Unit 5 Lesson 15 Neighbours

Children will learn new words about different rooms and neighbour.

Key words : ‘最近’, ‘有没有’

Key sentence: “verb + time”

Homework: Paper sheet.

Y6 C2
Topic: We will finish learning Lesson. 13 “House”

Students will learn to write about their houses based on the sentence pattern and words learnt.

Homework: Finish worksheet on this week’s topic

Y6 C3
Topic: Lesson 6-Sickness-Text 1

Student will learn how to describe common symptoms

Homework: Mandarin Speech Show preparation

Y6 C4
Topic: Lesson 10 Time-Text 1

Student will be able to tell the time

Homework: Worksheet



Year 6 French – Dr. Cattel / Mme McConnon
Next week we will be finishing off the country presentations and continuing with the idea of international food. Following our crepe and gauffre making this week, we will ask students to create a sandwich that represents the francophone country that they studied.
Homework this weekend is to make crepes or gauffres and prepare a video or presentation with images of the cooking process and captions in French about what you are doing. Please be prepared to show your video / presentation in class next week.

Year 5/6 Spanish - Ms Martinez
Next week we will learn about weather, and words to describe it.

Homework: To revise the verb tener in the present tense.