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杯子歌 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmSbXsFE3l8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVAR4nHcNdQ 杯子歌教學 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzUlKGWMOjQ 杯子歌中文版 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QD9HFnzGfJA&list=PL1i4dHQdotsbzVR73AHmIEqyfqxrglCT5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcCC55uuU3c I got my ticket for the long way 'round 手裡握著單程車票,這將是一趟漫長的旅途 Two bottle 'a whiskey for the way 兩瓶威士忌就當作是餞別的禮物 And I sure would like some sweet company 而我滿心期盼著你能夠一塊同行 And I'm leaving tomorrow, wha-do-ya say? 明天我就要啟程了,你覺得如何呢:) When I'm gone 當我拾起行囊 When I'm gone 獨自走向遠方 You're gonna miss me when I'm gone 你會著實想念我吧 You're gonna miss me by my hair 你會想念我在風中飄逸的髮絲 You're gonna miss me everywhere, oh 不管身處何方,你都會希望我就在身邊 You're gonna miss me when I'm gone 道別之後,你會著實想念著我吧 When I'm gone 當我拾起行囊 When I'm gone 獨自走向遠方 You're gonna miss me when I'm gone 你會著實想念我吧 You're gonna miss me by my walk 你會想念我走路的輕快姿態 You're gonna miss me by my talk, oh 以及談笑間,我認真的表情 You're gonna miss me when I'm gone 道別之後,你會著實想念著我吧 I've got my ticket for the long way 'round 手裡握著單程車票,這將是一趟漫長的旅途 The one with the prettiest of views 一趟充滿壯麗風景的旅程 It's got mountains, it's got rivers, it's got sights to give you shivers 會有綿延不絕的山脈,清澈悠遠的綠川,一切足以讓你動容的景色 But it sure would be prettier with you 但我明白,如果能有你在身側,這些風景在我眼底才有意義 :)